FAF#8 program


Finally, the Food Autonomy Festival #8 program is here!

Bellow you can find all the information you need about the program and the full workshop descriptions by day.

Friday programSaturday programSunday programKids’ program

Friday program

1st time slot (13:00-17:00)

Green ass gardening
– by Green Ass Garden (ADM)
Kids friendly

In the Vegetable garden with the Geodesic Dome as a greenhouse, we grow more rare veggies from different cultures from seed. In development is the pigment or dyeplant bed. Edible wild plants can be found all over the garden and are growing around the little pond. In the Food Forest border, wild medicinal plants are growing together in groups which offer similar health benefits. Also edible shrubs, trees and mushrooms live together. Partly the mushrooms can clean polluted soil all over the Slibvelden. A sensory bed with crazy tastes, structures and looks is in development. On Het Groene Veld, the area around the water basins is developing as an edible park landscape. On raised beds, veggies for the Machine Gebouw kitchen are grown and edible shrubs and trees are planted as well as “rescued” ornamental plants who find a new home here. In all of the areas, we play together with the existing ecology of the land. We also love the wonder and surprise in sustainable experiments and green arts.

2nd time slot

Welcome to Extinction Rebellion Landbouw
– by XR Landbouw
14:00-15:30 [@Circus tent]

What will we do?
During this talk & workshop we will discuss the ecological crisis, agriculture, activism and civil disobedience. Come join us to learn more about Extinction Rebellion Landbouw (agriculture) and to exchange experiences.

Who are we?
XR Agriculture is a community of Extinction Rebellion NL and functions as an icebreaker in Dutch agriculture.
We are committed to a radical transition and transformation of our agricultural system for nature, climate, farmers and citizens.
We focus on the power structures behind agriculture, not on the individuals in the food system such as consumers or farmers.

Creative Writing Workshop on International Solidarity and Mutual Aid
– by Trash Skeleton (Loose Dog Magazine)
14:00-16:00 [@Siloh]

I would like to host a creative writing workshop in three parts that focuses on the themes of international solidarity and mutual aid. My focus would be writing about the recent Palestine liberation/student movement here in the Netherlands that has given us incredible material to imagine a more just future where we collaborate and care for each other. The three parts are all the same as I give a little lesson about writing related to the topic then give a writing prompt related to the lesson and after about 15/20 min of writing we all share our stories with the possibility of receiving feedback. These three parts can take up to 3 hours in my experience, depending on how many people are there.
My goal is to have us imagine stories that are radical and liberating, about writing on the fucked up world around us and seeing its ugly side shrivel away under the weight of our pens.
I also prioritize the comfort of every participant and want us to just have fun and be nice to each other. I try to make the atmosphere cozy and jovial as much as possible!

Boycott is Resistance: Infotalk about the new boycott campaign against “Israeli” fruits and vegetables
– by BDS Netherlands & Sit in 4 Palestine
16:00-18:00 [@Circus tent]

more info coming soon

Evenings at Het Groene Veld: Friday

Buurtborrel voor de buurt
– by Het Groene Veld
17:00-21:00 [@Het Groene Veld social center]

The neighborhood drinks takes place on the third Friday of the month. Bring some snacks with you. Drinks available at the bar at reasonable prices. Nice way to meet and chat with neighbors. Be sure to bring your children because there is plenty of room to play.

Eetcafe ADM Noord
– by ADM Noord
18:00-21:00 [@Het Groene Veld cafe]

Vegan Peoples’ kitchen in the backyard of Amsterdam North. The restaurant and also the bar are open every Friday from 17:00 h. A vegan 3-course menu is served for 10 euros between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM. We use biological products as much as possible, preferably from our own Green Ass Garden. The kitchen is run by Brian and Elly with help from volunteers. Volunteers also work behind the bar.

Solstice ceremony
– by Toni Kritzer & Elioa Steffen
20:30-21:30 [@Het Groene Veld]

Through a collective ritual together with the stinging nettle, we gather the heat of the longest day of the year – to charge ourselves with the fire of the sun and the stinging nettle, to have strength to build a future of food autonomy beyond extractivist agricultures.

Saturday program

1st time slot (12:00-13:30)

We are walking territories, food, migration and storytelling
– by Radical Roots
[@Social center]

We will share selections from our sonic and visual archive, created while working at asylum seeker centers, to provoke sensory experiences reflecting on the role of food and its relation to soils, bodies, and territories in various migratory contexts. We will reflect on how food acts as a translation of soil, a holder of memory, and a channel of communication between people from different territories. We will foster a conversation about the art of gathering and the importance of facilitation.
We would like to prioritize the participation of people with a migrant background. People who have migrated from rural areas into urban areas, or from other places of the world to the Netherlands.

Soil simplified / bodem voor beginners
– by prakticsche permacultuur
[@Circus tent]
NL/EN translation

De bodem is de basis van alles wat we eten, toch weten we meer over het heelal dan over wat er onder onze voeten gebeurd. In deze workshop worden je zo simpele en duidelijke mogelijk de beginselen van de bodem uitgelegd; de grondsoorten, het bodem leven, hoe je dit kunt verbeteren en wat het voor de planten kan doen. Stikstof en koolstof komen natuurlijk ook aan bod, want wanneer zijn die nu goed en wanneer juist niet? Aan het einde van de workshop heb je nieuwe hand vaten om mee aan de slag te gaan in de tuin en nieuwe argumenten bij de volgende stikstof discussie op n verjaardag.

The soil is the basis of everything we eat, yet we know more about the universe than about what happens under our feet. In this workshop you will be explained the principles of soil as simply and clearly as possible. The types of soil, the soil life, how you can improve this and what it can do for the plants. Nitrogen and carbon are of course also discussed; when are they good and when are they not? At the end of the workshop you will have new tools to work with in the garden and new arguments for the next nitrogen discussion on your birthday.

Food chain workshop: from REST to Rest-o-rant
– by Samantha (Voer Voerders ADM)

Skill-sharing how to set up your own + de-centralised network of” Rest to Rest-o-Rant” Reclaimed food pickup / voku- folks kitchen / free market dustribution / donation pot ( value+ pricing)/ use of wasted food scraps / worm house fertile earth / herb + food garden / cooking + back to waste scraps…..DIY + DIT – Do It Together*every- body is welcome*

2nd time slot (14:30-16:00)

Panel: Weaving solidarity with land and liberation struggles
– by Ali from the Sudanese Refugee Collective, Medhat from Utrecht4Palestine and PGNL, Muhammed Ally from FreeCongoNow/Avcollectief, Necmettin Türk a PhD candidate at the University of Hamburg and environmental activist in Kurdistan Ecology Platform.
NL/EN translation

We want to bring together people from different diaspora organizations and solidarity campaigns to discuss what the various groups are bringing attention to and denouncing, and what their means of resistance are. We would like to explore together how food, agriculture and land are issues that are interweaven in every fight and every context. How are agriculture and food used in the domination of peoples but also in their fight for freedom, autonomy and dignity? We would like to bring together collectives from Palestine, Congo, Sudan and Kurdistan to discuss how we can strengthen solidarity with land and freedom struggles from the Netherlands. How can we reinforce mutual aid networks between diaspora organizations and international solidarity campaigns in the Netherlands? How can the increasing international solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle be extended towards other struggles?

Degrowth, food sovereignty, anarchism: overlaps and contradictions
– by Agroecology Research-Action Collective

Nearly 10 years ago I set out to explore what food sovereignty movements – as theorists and practitioners – had to offer degrowth (“post-growth”) thinking and practice (https://ephemerajournal.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/contribution/17-1romanalcala.pdf). In this discussion, I hope to share with attendees my more recent thinking on food sovereignty movement formations (in both Majority and Minority worlds), anarchist practices and theories, and the ways these overlap and cohere – but also do not. (I also hope to learn from attendees who might challenge my ideas on these!) Although there are some clear affinities between anarchist praxis and food sovereignty, the ways that both contribute to a potential degrowth future are full of contradictions and conflicts. In particular, the role of the state remains a friction among ‘left’ sectors of society who would be the necessary foundation for a socialist degrowth future. I will discuss contemporary examples from my home country of the United States, socialist states like Cuba, and the multinational efforts of La Via Campesina. I hope this workshop offers critical yet hopeful insights towards more effective organizing around food sovereignty, as a path towards degrowth economies in the Minority/global core, decolonial development for the Majority/global peripheries, and libertarian socialist futures across the board.

Futuro Vegetal: History and repression of the collective
– by Futuro Vegetal
[@Circus tent]

We will look at the origins of the collective, the climate situation in Spain and the institutional response to the nonviolent civil disobedience that we have been practising in the Spanish state.

Theatre as Communal Experience: a workshop
– by AstaroTheatro

This theatre workshops aims at gathering around the necessity of grassroots, multidisciplinary, multilingual, transcultural artistic expression based on theatre, music, singings, visual arts, voice and body performance. This theatre workshop explores the basics of the performative practice: posture, movement, presence, body, the other in the space, games and the voice in many of its expressions. Our voices engage in spoken word, text and poetry in order to reach the poetry performance: from poetry to theatre.
Our bodies will play roles and will accompany impro’s and storytelling. Our practice will originate from ourselves: memories, stories and sounds of stones and steps, images of repopulated land, memories of touching each other, smell of seaweed.
“Anyone can do theater, even actors. And theater can be done everywhere. Even in a theater.” — Augusto Boal

3rd time slot (16:30-18:00)

Intersectionality in the farming world and the food sovereignty movement
– by La Via Campesina & De Tuinen van de Egel
[@Social center]

During this interactive workshop, we will collectively reflect on questions of access, privilege, discrimination & oppression, within the farming world & the food sovereignty movement. We will also think together on how to generate processes to be more inclusive, embrace and celebrate diversity in rural contexts and within peasant’s movements!
The session includes a short talk about how La Via Campesina, the most globally representative peasant movement, has been approaching the topic of gender and sexual diversities from within. Paula Goia from the ECVC (European Coordination Via Campesina) gender and sexual diversity articulation will be present to share years of experience working with these topics.

Basics about the association Ackersyndikat and how to organise agricultural Land and Farms as commons without private property.
– by Ackersyndikat

I will talk about how commoning Land with the Ackersyndikat works, answer questions and I want to invite you all to share your knowledge to the topic. Also I want to give space in this workshop for people that want to start commoning land to network, get to know each other and so on. I will do it in english but I can also explain some things in german or spanish. At most 15 participants.

Economic autonomy: The socio-ecological economy in North-East Syria and the Rojava Revolution
– by Dija Karim & Tim Krüger
[@Circus tent]

I will delve into how the Kurdish Liberation Movement actively encouraged the formation of communes and cooperatives and how this has led to an increased level of food autonomy throughout the regions of North-East Syria. The role of women is particularly emphasized as most of the communes are spearheaded by women, which has very deliberately been encouraged by the freedom movement. As it is only through the freedom of women that all other parts of society can truly become free, it is especially interesting to touch on the role of women in transforming the food system in a region that is still under threat of attack from several sides. The revolution of Rojava is not only proof that an alternative way of life is possible, but that it can even be brought to life in a place where many did not think it possible; a region stricken by war that is under constant threat of invasion. It is a project of hope and it show us that with the power and will of the people, everything is indeed possible.

Making wild remedies
– by Erika from Green Ass Garden (ADM)
Kids’ friendly (interested kids 7+ can join)
English with some dutch translations of plant names and where needed

From the indigenous plants growing in Green Ass Garden at the spot we can make healing ointments and tinctures. In this skill sharing you will find out how to get a bit more independent from big pharma by making your own herbal medicine for minor health issues.

Evenings at Het Groene Veld: Saturday


The Crying Cyborgs
– by Azatron, Toastie, Per, Tinno

Travelling from the year 2123, The Crying Cyborgs are here to save your timeline. DIY, crusty and rusty, here for a good time, and increasingly a longer time than they would have expected. Stuck in the present moment, the band is here to tell you all about where we’re headed – surprisingly joyful for the dystopia we’re about to head toward. Variously playing on pots, pans, an oversized bass, one or two guitars (depending on who makes it through the time machine) and with varying musical proficiency, the Cyborgs are here to fulfil their prophecy – no matter the cost, no matter the place, no matter the time.

Kraaklustig band
– by Kraaklustig

Since may 7 2022, when a field in Wageningen was newly squatted, we play queer-feminist & anti-capitalist music so that everyone has a house. We will play a set full of anger sadness and joy.

– by and @Het Groene Veld

yo, party people, Saturday 22 june, we’re doing it again: NHC & ZEN ROCKERS together! it’s gonna be our first party together at ADM noord, next to metro Noord and we gonna use our own sound system again! And of course, we had to invite an artist from earthworks studio, the local record shop/studio/vinyl production.

Sunday program

1st time slot (12:00-13:30)

To become a organic farmer/it’s not easy to be green
– by organic farm Eikemaheert
[@Social center]

We talk about our travel from a modern, mechanised, hightech, chemicals-using prospering farm to a small-scale organic farm. We can share with you the change in mindset, the possibilities and impossibilities and would like to discus all these items with a critical audience.

Resisting environmental colonialism and ecocide: agroecology and food sovereignty in Palestine
– by Elisa Da Vià (Leiden University)

This talk will focus on Israel’s settler colonial project as an ongoing process of dispossession, aimed at undermining the collective continuance and socio-ecological reproduction of Palestinians. Environmental colonialism in this context takes the form of land and water grabs, green grabs, toxicity and environmental injustice, all the way to ecocide and starvation. The genocidal nature of these acts has become even more evident since October 7th, and can be seen by the targeted destruction of crops, trees, and greenhouses that sustain agricultural production and access to food in Gaza. The effects of this systematic agricultural destruction are exacerbated by other deliberate acts of deprivation of critical resources for Palestinian survival in Gaza, the bombing of hospitals, infrastructure, housing, water facilities everything that is necessary to sustain life. Against the background of biopolitical and necropolitical strategies of the settler colonial state, the talk will also focus on acts of resistance, and the role of agroecology and food sovereignty initiatives in reclaiming land and food as sites of cultural reproduction, self-determination, justice, and freedom.

Energy Futures: what’s going on & where are we going?
– by the Gastivists Collective
[@Circus tent]

We’ve spent the last years focusing on fighting the gas industry. And finally, we’re starting to confront the juicy, difficult questions around the energy transition. Is it even possible? What about shitty lithium extraction? How would it even work? What the heck is the energy grid? How do we relate to people who fight renewable energy projects? Whats it got to do with the urgent crises in Congo, Palestine, and more? Join us to collectively find a few answers but definitely more questions. Well share learnings from our field trips and dialogues, and host a space to explore and share together.

Envisioning Utopia – a creative workshop
– by Jana from Reframe Play
[@Siloh] up to 10 people

“Activism is inherently a creative endeavor, it takes a radical imagination to be an activist, to envision a world that is not there, It takes imagination and that’s not far from art.” – Ava DuVernay
Imagine your utopia – Through creative and playful tools, we will explore this question to visualize and share our wildest dreams and ideas!

2nd time slot (14:30-16:00)

Racial justice in farming
– by the Landworkers’ Alliance
[@Social center]

A dialogue about racial justice in farming.
More info coming soon.

Peat Eats
– by RE-PEAT

We’ll be cooking with some plants that are grown on peatlands, under paludiculture conditions. RE-PEAT will give an introduction to peatlands and discuss these ecosystems while we cook together!

Building a left wing Farmer movement: lessons from the farmer protests
– by Toekomstboeren / La Via Campesina NL
[@Circus tent]

Farmer protests have swept across Europe over the past months, drawing parallels with the Dutch upheaval over the past years. The role of the agro industry and far right in using the emotions and frustrations of farmers has resulted in a narrative about agriculture which has largely been reactionary, anti-left and anti-environment. How do we built a strong leftist agricultural movement in the current context? Talk and interactive discussion.

Monopolies, patenten, EU-regelgeving … Reclaim the Seeds!
– by Reclaim the Seeds / ASEED
NL/EN translation

Al meer dan 10 jaar bestaat Reclaim the Seeds. Het was ontstaan als protest tegen nieuwe zadenwetgeving in de EU. Het protest was succesvol en het voorstel weggestemd. In de jaren daarna besteedde RtS aandacht aan de steeds maar machtiger wordende internationale zaadbedrijven, aan patenten en aan pesticidegebruik. Ondertussen werden de (bio-)diverse, kleinschalige alternatieven gepromoot. En nu is de EU alweer bezig met nieuwe regelgeving. Tijd voor een overzicht en een update. En hoe moeten we eigenlijk verder met Reclaim the Seeds? Deze lezing en discussie zijn in principe in het Nederlands. Maar er zal ruimte zijn om ook in een andere taal een bijdrage te leveren.

3rd time slot (16:30-18:00)

Agrochemicals: Perpetuaters of the Fossil Economy
– by Lisa Tostado from Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
[@Social center]

I could first plan some input in the form of slides to make the following points: 1) Agrochemicals are fossil fuels in another form 2) As other sectors decarbonize, petrochemicals are a main driver of future fossil fuel demand 3) The food system is crucial: 40% of petrochemicals are food-related plastics and fertilizers 4) For a fair and sustainable future, we urgently need an absolute reduction of both, not any technofixes, like green hydrogen or carbon capture and storage. 5) Agrochemical companies want to sell blue ammonia as “clean” fertilizer, but also increasingly as fuel. It is neither. Then, I would proceed to a more interactive section with tasks for people to work on.

Fermented Pickles Workshop (How to Ferment Vegetables?)
– by Alon’s Pickles

Learn how to ferment vegetables! We will make a ferment together and I will give an introductory overview of the techniques, practicalities and science of Lactofermentation. Bring a Jar (around 1L) or get one from me.

Geef Tegengas; Palestine solidarity & fighting gas in Rotterdam
– by Geef Tegengas
[@Circus tent]

A action camp against the liquid gas industry(LNG) in Rotterdam is being planned for 28 August – 1 September. We will present the camp and why we target LNG, and present links between the gas industry and the genocide in Palestine. We will discuss together; How can the climate movement connect and support the movement to free Palestine? Of what do we need to be careful? How can we truly put our intersectional politics into practise?

Roundtable with young framers: collective farming projects and pathways to becoming a landworker
NL/EN translation

Speakers: Dido (farmer at CSA Tuinen van de Egel), Edu (farmer at the CSA Pluk!) and Irma (farmer at CSA Eetmeerbosch) will be joining for this discussion that will partly guided by the curiosities and questions of the audience.

In this workshop,we are going to get to hear about three different Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) projects in the Netherlands from three young farmers.You’ll get the opportunity to learn more about different concepts such as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), agroecological farming practices & solidarity payment systems. And most interestingly, we will get to explore together the different shapes those concepts can take when they are put into into practice.This informal discussion will also provide people with the opportunity to ask questions about the various pathways the three different speakers followed to becoming a farmers/ food growers. Making farm work more appealing and accessible to young people is crucial in the context of generational renewal crisis that the EU farming sector is facing. We will touch on different ways in which one can learn farming skills (such as formal trainings, learning as a volunteer, etc.), on ways in which one can enter farming and on questions of access connected to these journeys.

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