Mycelia van Hoop

Activism or volunteer work can be very exhausting and energy-draining. At the same time, it can be difficult for farmers to make time and space for activism or political work alongside their work on the land.

Mycelia of Hope, an initiative of the Agroecology Network, aims to bring agroecological farmers, activists, and other allies closer together by organizing workdays on various agroecological farms across the Netherlands.

The activities are shaped according to the needs of the farmers, actively supporting them during busy periods and/or collaborating on projects that have been put on the back burner due to a lack of time. For activists, connecting with the land and agroecological farming can be an experience of regeneration, positive activism, or active hope.

Based on a culture of mutual aid, Mycelia of Hope works to learn together about agroecology and to strengthen the agroecological movement, bridging the gap between citizens and farmers, urban and rural areas, and human and non-human life.

Want to learn more or get involved? Subscribe to the Mycelia of Hope mailing list, contact us at, or follow announcements on Instagram or Facebook.

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