The Lutkemeer Polder and Boterbloem Farm – A Space for Urban Food Autonomy?

With a globally rising urban population1, how to feed the cities has become of increasing concern. The question of how to feed a larger amount of people, however, often leads to technocratic solutions that speak … verder lezen

ASEED at Reclaims the Seeds Amsterdam

Come and join us for a weekend full of seed exchanges, political discussions, gardening workshops and farm tours at the Reclaim the Seeds event on the 23rd and 24th March at the … verder lezen

Update: Amsterdam prepares to destroy Boterbloem Farm and Lutkemeerpolder

On December 19 the Amsterdam city government (GroenLinks, D66, PvdA en SP) made it’s final decision that the Lutkemeerpolder and Boterbloem organic farm will not be saved, and will instead be turned … verder lezen