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The climate uprising in Europe

During Spring 2020 many events, protests and climate camps were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which was and is all over the news. The pandemic is anything but over and we still have to figure out how we face the climate disaster in times of Covid-19. Nevertheless, in the past two months much has happened in the climate justice movement all over Europe. The following post should give you an overview and demonstrate how varied the movement in Europe is:


Venice Climate Camp

The climate camp Venice was held in the lagoon like last year. It serves the education of the population, networking of activists and various struggles against senseless large-scale projects in Italy like the TAP or the TAV. In addition, the camp was designed in harmony with nature and of course there were also activities. nearby refinery in Maghera was visited.

The Venice Climate Camp – in its second edition – represented a perfect metaphor: last year it was on the Lido of Venice, on the physical edge of a unique city, but devastated by the Mose and the rough water, “events” that immediately speak to us of the urgency of reversing the course of climate change; this year instead we found ourselves on the industrial edge of Porto Marghera, a reality that has paid a very high price – also in terms of human lives – for climate change and the harmful industrial policies that have followed over the years.

Last year the action took place on the red carpet of the Venice film festival. “What does glamour bring us in a sinking world”.
This year the action went to a biorefinery of ENI. The activists and activists remained within the biorefinery area for about two hours. Silos, towers, installations and buildings were sanctioned with paint and lettering. A giant inscription that reads “Rise up for climate justice”, the name of the political space born at the Climate Meeting in Venice.

More Information:

A climate meeting for an open and radical political space


The Court Case of no TAP

No TAP” is one organisation and is fighting against the transadriatic Gaspipeline. This autumn almost 100 activists and supporters heading to court in Italy. They could face fines of up to €240,000 for their actions against a controversial fossil-fuel pipeline. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the final piece of a 2,200-mile project stretching from Azerbaijan to Italy known as the Southern Gas Corridor, was awarded the biggest-ever European Investment Bank loan – €1.3bn of public money – in 2018.

The environmental group NoTAP Movement, based in the southern region of Salento, the heel of Italy’s boot and where the pipeline emerges, has been protesting against the multi-billion-Euro project since 2012. Now the NoTAP activists and supporters face charges ranging from “unauthorized demonstrations” to stealing the doormat in front of the TAP office.

More information:


Last fossil gas project

In 2015, there were a total of 15 fossil fuel exploration and extraction contracts (onshore and offshore) in Portugal. Through years of struggle, against the governments insistence and despite the fact that the parliament voted down – several times – proposals for their cancellation; the last remaining 2 contracts in Central Portugal were abandoned.

One year after Camp-in-Gás, the first action camp in Portugal against fossil gas and for climate justice that united local groups, national collectives as well as international activists against the drilling project in Bajouca in the Leiria district; Australis Oil and Gas gave up its concessions for fossil gas exploration and extraction in the area.

The struggle involved mass protests, direct actions, climate strikes and local campaigning all over the country throughout the years, and managed to force companies off the regions. Today the last two of the 15 projects are gone due to public pressure.

This is a day of celebration of victory of the people against a suicidal industry.”

We are aware that the fight for a fossil free Portugal is far from over until the decree law giving incentives for new projects is revoked and a ban on all new fossil fuel projects is established.

More Information:

We are the Anti-bodies

On the fifth of October more than a hundred antibodies marched to Marquês de Pombal, the largest roundabout in Lisbon and the site of the beginning of the 1910 Republican revolution, and then blocked the traffic until they were violently removed by large numbers of riot police.

“Our societies are ill. Our planet is ill. Civilization as we know it, is fatally ill. Solidarity is the cure, Justice is the vaccine”

They demand:

1. Carbon Neutrality by 2030: cut emissions to stop climate collapse!

2. Unconditional Basic Services: healthcare, housing, education, transport, renewable energy, food and education should be freely provided for everyone, through the public sector.

3. Upper Limit to Income: 99% tax rate on all income above 150.000 a year. The 1% should pay for the crisis!

More information: We are the Anti-Bodies


Climate Camp in Paris and fight against gentrification

On Saturday 26 September, the Sainte-Marthe district in the 10th arrondissement of Paris was occupied by environmental activists to defend it against property speculation and gentrification. This climate camp, where many workshops related to social and ecological struggles were organized, was the occasion to open a room to organize the local struggle against the gentrification of the district. Places to discuss, eat, sleep, dance, draw, play music, read, plot. Places to make our banners, our meetings, to try to reinvent horizontal social relations and to exchange on the systems of domination that affect us; places to feel good. This recently opened space in rue Jean et Marie Moinon is meant to be one of these places. There will be a canteen, a grocery shop, infokiosks, a free restaurant, screenings, free internet access, meeting spaces, discussions… so many activities to create links around material solidarity and against gentrification.

More information: Days of climate action september 25.-26.9-2020


Rise Up for Change – Occupation of the federal place

For two days, the climate camp on Federal Square was a place of hope for people who believe in a different world. A world in which the needs of people are at the center and not those of banks and corporations. In the middle of the night and in pouring rain, people were cleared away who are fighting for net zero by 2030 and a world that is climate-friendly – in other words, for a livable planet.
This action was the first time almost all different collectives, organization and groups who are fighting for climate justice gathered and did some civil disobedience.

All the demands of the Actions in Switzerland in English: Demands of the Rise Up for Change



Action day on the 23. October for a ecological mobility turn

Last year, there were more demonstrations, petitions and initiatives for a Vienna that respects the climate than ever before, but far too little has happened. Austria’s greenhouse gas emissions have not even been reduced by Corona this year. Especially in the transport sector, emissions continue to rise, although it has been clear for decades that transport is the main cause of concern and the number one climate killer in the country.
Already in July, System Change not Climate Change!, 160 other organizations and over 550 scientists* throughout Austria demanded that Corona aid measures be linked to compliance with the 1.5 degree target and that the crisis be managed democratically. Neither of these demands were met to any extent.

On Friday, 23. October, people in Vienna will get on their bicycles and take the streets to make our call for a transformation of the transportation sector.

More information: Aktionstag für #MobilitätswendeJetzt

to be continued…