Update: Amsterdam prepares to destroy Boterbloem Farm and Lutkemeerpolder

On December 19 the Amsterdam city government (GroenLinks, D66, PvdA en SP) made it’s final decision that the Lutkemeerpolder and Boterbloem organic farm will not be saved, and will instead be turned … verder lezen

Creatures from the earth rise up: “Stop Yara!”

Wednesday morning, November 28th, activists from the Fossil Free Agriculture campaign protested in front of the European Mineral Fertilizer Summit against the use of synthetic fertilizers and the influence of fertilizer companies … verder lezen

Duizenden mensen in actie tegen bruinkool (Ende Gelände 2018)

In de tot nu toe grootste burgelijk ongehoorzame actie tegen de fossiele industrie in Europa zijn vanmorgen naar schatting tussen de 5.000 a 6.000 mensen vertrokken naar blokkadeacties tegen de bruinkoolmijnbouw in … verder lezen

Protest at townhall and presentation BioPolder Lutkemeer

[text only available in Dutch] De strijd voor het behoud van de Lutkemeerpolder gaat door. We laten dit vruchtbare akkerbouwgebied ten westen van Amsterdam niet zomaar onder het zand verdwijnen! Komende woensdag … verder lezen

Solidarity with Hambach Forest! Stop Climate change!

From the threatened Lutkemeerpolder in Amsterdam we stand in solidarity with everyone fighting to protect the Hambach Forest, which is at this moment being destroyed by RWE and the German state. Hambach … verder lezen

Blockade of Danish storage facility of synthetic fertilisers Yara

New campaign against industrial agriculture: On March 26 (2018) activists blockade Yara’s synthetic fertilizer storage facility in southern Zealand, Denmark. [Report from the Danish activists:] We are writing to you to let … verder lezen

Buy The Planet Summit

On the 12th of December, French president Emmanuel Macron gathered international negotiators in Paris for the One Planet Summit. Exactly two years after signing the Paris Agreement, the idea was to celebrate … verder lezen

COP23, update 4: positive initiatives

Despite the strong ‘business as usual’ attitude we witnessed in and around the COP23, all was not doom and gloom in Bonn. Here are some very positive or promising initiatives we have … verder lezen

Feeding the world with organic agriculture? Not easy, but it is possible

“Feeding the world in an ecological manner would be on condition of drastic measures, conclude scientists.” This is the title of a pretty alarming and one-sided article published in the Dutch Newspaper … verder lezen

COP23, update 3: resistance vs. business as usual

Here is ASEED’s third update about the COP23 in Bonn. In the last days, we have been visiting the official conference centre and most importantly, we participated in many nice alternative events … verder lezen

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