What do we want?



Today the Annual General Meeting of Yara is taking place in Norway. While they discuss how to grow their criminal business with their investors, we say loud and clear:

We need to end the dependency on Yara’s fertilizers and transition to a fossil-free food system!

1) Stop granting subsidies & environmental permits to Yara

The Dutch government funded Yara with 1.327,5​​​​​​​ million euros of public subsidies in 2022 (more than 6,2 billion between 2018-2022) and the Province of Zeeland keeps granting environmental permits to their polluting plant in Sluiskil.

2) Stop the expansion of ammonia & fossil gas infrastructure

The industry is expanding the LNG terminal Gate in Rotterdam – join https://tegengas.camp/ in their action camp to stop it!

3) Support farmers to transition away from fossil fertilizers and towards agroecological practices

Listen to the small-scale farmers’ needs!


Van Gelder, J. W., & Werkman, M. (2023). Fossiele subsidies voor grote klimaatvervuilers: Inventarisatie voor Milieudefensie. In Milieudefensie. Profundo. (report)​​​​​​​

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