Today the Annual General Meeting of Yara is taking place in Norway. While they discuss how to grow their criminal business with their investors, we say loud and clear:
We need to end the dependency on Yara’s fertilizers and transition to a fossil-free food system!
1) Stop granting subsidies & environmental permits to Yara
The Dutch government funded Yara with 1.327,5 million euros of public subsidies in 2022 (more than 6,2 billion between 2018-2022) and the Province of Zeeland keeps granting environmental permits to their polluting plant in Sluiskil.
2) Stop the expansion of ammonia & fossil gas infrastructure
The industry is expanding the LNG terminal Gate in Rotterdam – join in their action camp to stop it!
3) Support farmers to transition away from fossil fertilizers and towards agroecological practices
Listen to the small-scale farmers’ needs!
Van Gelder, J. W., & Werkman, M. (2023). Fossiele subsidies voor grote klimaatvervuilers: Inventarisatie voor Milieudefensie. In Milieudefensie. Profundo. (report)