Safer space policy

Agreement on behavioural attitudes to abide by as a collective:

  • Racism, as well as ageism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism or prejudice based on ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, gender presentation, language ability, asylum status or religious affiliation is unacceptable and will be challenged.

  • Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries, always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries.

  • Be aware of the space you take up and the positions and privileges you bring, including racial, class and gender privilege.

  • Avoid assuming the opinions and identifications of other participants.

  • Recognise that we try not to judge, put each other down or compete.

  • Be aware of the language you use in discussion and how you relate to others. Try to speak slowly and clearly and use uncomplicated language.

  • The group endeavours as much as is feasible to ensure that meeting spaces are as accessible as possible to the widest range of people.

  • Foster a spirit of mutual respect: Listen to the wisdom everyone brings to the group.

  • Give each person the time and space to speak. In large groups, or for groups using facilitation: Raise your hand to speak.

  • Respect the person: challenge their behaviour.

  • If someone violates these agreements a discussion or mediation process can happen, depending on the wishes of the person who was violated. If a serious violation happens to the extent that someone feels unsafe, they can be asked to leave the space and/or speak with a person or process nominated by those present.

  • Whilst ground rules are a collective responsibility everyone is also personally responsible for their own behaviour.


Safer spaces policy adopted from the Climate Justice Action Network

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