Below you can find the full schedule for all the activities happening at the FAF #5 in Amsterdam on the 4th-6th of June. We are really happy to be able to make this happen and we also want to make sure to keep everyone safe which is why we ask you to make sure that you read our Covid-19 Protocol carefully before coming to the Lutkemeerpolder; for Amsterdam you can register on location rather than beforehand online. The protocol includes all the rules we want to stick to, to keep each other safe during the event. We are super excited for you to join us and can’t wait to explore all of the activities together, see you then!
Important Information:
Kitchen Surplus: This is a collective uses only skipped food to cook for homeless and paperless people in and around Amsterdam.
Location: Lutkemeerpolder (at the corner between Etnastraat and Lutkemeerweg)
Accessibility: The Lutkemeerpolder is a beautiful location, and some of the festival will be set up where it is accessible for those who have difficulty with, or cannot, walk. However, there will not be a wheelchair accessible toilet. Additionally, around 2/3rds of the workshops will be held on uneven, muddy surfaces, or else it will be necessarily to cross a bridge where walking down very 3-5 steep narrow steps is required. If you have questions about the possibilities please contact info(@) before Friday the 4th.
Language: Most of the workshops will be held in English, and there may be a possibility to arrange whisper translations at the beginning of these events. Some events will be in Portuguese and there will be a translator helping with moderation.
There will not be sign language interpreters during the event
ASEED would like to create a safe and accessible space at our events and if you have resources for improving what we are able to offer in this regard please contact us to help us improve for future events.
Time | FRIDAY, 4. JUNE – FAF OPENING (Online) | |
17:00 | Opening Session for Amsterdam, Utrecht and Wageningen | |
18:00 | Break | |
18:30 | Interactive session on ‘what is food’ with Mama D | |
20:00 | Dancing Break | |
20:30 | Movie & Discussion – Agroecology: Voices From Social Movements |
SATURDAY, 5. JUNE | ||||
10:00 | Farming at PLUK and Boterbloem | |||
11:00 | Farming at PLUK and Boterbloem | Feed the soil | ||
12:00 | Walk and Plant in the Polder | |||
13:00 | LUNCH | |||
14:00 | Milpa in Europe | “Block It Like Its Hot” Construction Workshop | ||
15:00 | BREAK | |||
15:15 | CSA tour: PLUK and SGB comparison | What is no-dig? | Water ways; Skillshare about water management: Rik Vuur /Anna’s tuin en ruigte (online) | |
16:15 | BREAK | |||
16:30 | An introduction to common herbs | Food Forest Circle | Agroecology and peasant struggles: growing agroecological food as resistance (online) | |
17:30 | BREAK | |||
18:00 | Footsteps Against Racism | |||
19:00 | Acoustic Closing Set |
SUNDAY, 6. JUNE | ||||
11:00 | Edible Peatlands | How to slay a Multinational | “Memories of the Forgotten Mother” | |
12:00 | Walk and plant in the Polder | Decolonial dialogues | ||
13:00 | LUNCH | |||
14:00 | The Dutch Nitrogen Discussion | Kraakspreekuur | ||
15:00 | BREAK | |||
15:15 | Netherlands goes Ende Gelände – Gas, Agriculture and Fertilizer | Regenerative Agriculture: How Politics Endangers the Food and Nutritional Security of Traditional Peoples and Communities (online) | Urban Agroecology and Transformation of Social Relations (online) | |
16:15 | BREAK | |||
16:30 | Farm tour at Mosegaarden Jordbus (in Denmark) | Food & Fossil Fuels – Human Map | Agroecological Logbooks and the Women from the Brazilian Semiarid Regions (online) | |
17:30 | BREAK | |||
18:00 | Closing Session | |||
Friday 4th June
17:00-18:00 FAF#5 Opening Session (Online)
In this first online session we will kick off the FAF#5 joint with all cities online! We will introduce the idea of the FAF and each city will have the opportunity to share what their festival will look like.
18:30-20:00 Interactive session on ‘what is food’ by MamaD (Online)
What is a Food System and how are we all complicit in maintaining its logic? Join Mama D of Community Centred Knowledge with your bodies, minds and cultural souls to explore together the systematic ways in which we are undermining our own nourishment.
Zoom link:
20:30-21:30 Movie & Discussion – Agroecology: Voices From Social Movements
This video explores the different perspectives of food providers on agroecology and the calls from social movements to embed agroecology in the struggle for food sovereignty. It focuses on the Declaration of International Forum for Agroecology, which has been advanced by social movements to claim agroecology as a bottom up practice, science and movement and the most important pathway towards a most just, sustainable and viable food and agriculture system.
Link to stream:
Saturday 5th June
10:00-12:00 Boterbloem and PLUK farming activities by the farmers Trentje (Boterbloem) and Edu (PLUK CSA)
Following organic small scale farming principles, but with a very different agriculture approach, we’ll be helping out the organic farm Boterbloem and the Community Supported agriculture PLUK. From weeding in between the peas, planting out cabbages and pumpkins, preparing beds for the summer crops or watering the plants, we’ll be helping them, while at the same time getting knowledge on how they farm and their techniques.
Duration: 2 hours (combined with a soil test workshop)
Location: Lutkemeer polder, PLUK and Boterbloem fields
Number of participants: Maximum 30 people (split in two fields)
11:00-12:00 Feed the soil by Irma Brassinga and Violet de Gier
Dive with us into the soil. Learn why to feed the soil and not the plant, practice in examining your soil and see how the Pluk! soil is taken care of.
Duration: 1 hour
Number of participants: 20 people
12:00-13:00 Walk and Plant in the Polder
We’ll explore the beauty and ugliness of the Lutkemeerpolder’s business area as well as it’s invaluable natural parts. Who controls what parts? How have people shown resistance in the polder? What’s up with the Biopolder plans? All these questions and more will be answered on our walk. Afterwards, we’ll get to work and make the polder our own by planting pumpkin seedlings together.
14:00-15:00 Milpa in Europe by Andres Jara (Stadsgroenteboer CSA)
Andres Jara will show you what we can learn from the ancient practice of growing the ‘three sisters’ (corn, beans and squash) together to improve soil health and generate high yields.
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: Stadsgroenteboer at Mijnstadstuin (the milpa is there)
Number of participants: 10 – 15 people
14:00-15:00 “Block It Like Its Hot” Construction Workshop
Do you like to build things? Are you keen to learn some skills for occupations and blockades? Come to this workshop to play and learn together with comrades
15:15-16:15 CSA tour: PLUK and SGB comparison
A tour through the SGB and PLUK CSA’s; two small scale vegetable farms that runs on the CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture). We’ll be comparing one on no-dig practices, soil health, crop diversity, inter-planting and the community aspects of running a CSA.
Location: Stadsgroenteboer and PLUK farm at the Boterbloem
Number of participants: 15 people
15:15-16:15 What is no-dig? by Ilyanna Kerr and Genevieve Osborne
No-dig farming has exploded in popularity in recent years but what does it really mean in practice? and who are the farmers behind its rise?
Duration: 1.00-1.5 hour
Number of participants: 20 people
15:15-16:15 Water ways; Skillshare about water management: Rik Vuur /Anna’s tuin en ruigte (online)
With all the rain of the past weeks it seems hard to imagine, but the Netherlands has been getting more and more droughts over the past years. Causing stress for both plants and the farmers/gardeners since the Dutch are not used to a shortage of water. Fortunately, other parts of the world have been dealing with droughts and water shortages in successful ways for ages. This skill share is to find what techniques are available and see which ones are useful to prepare us for the next drought. Participation and ideas are welcome.
Zoom link:
16:30-17:30 Food Forest Circle by Rens and Toby
We expand on what food forests mean in Dutch landscapes and invite a sharing of real examples that participants are involved with and/or dreaming of. Then we regenerate understandings of poly-cultures with examples of tree guilds that we can apply directly to our neighborhoods.
16:30-17:30 An introduction to common herbs by Fatema Baheranwala (Naturecentric, and Cityplot Amsterdam)
In this one hour workshop, you will be introduced to some wonderful herbs that grow freely around us in the city as well common herbs we find in our kitchens. I will discuss the health benefits of these herbs and there will be a practical demonstration at the end of the workshop.
16:30-17:30 Agroecology and Peasant struggles: Growing agroecological food as resistance (online)
MTC (Peasant workers movement) in Brazil is an organization that fights to guarantee the permanence of peasants in the fields. Fighting poverty, land-grabbers and threats from right-wing politicians and policymakers, MTC helps people have access to basic human rights every day: food, health assistance, education, access to water. The work done by MTC encompasses the construction of houses, legal assistance and professionalizing education for the peasants, in areas such as farming, construction and cooking. Their farming practices are regenerative, to the soil and to their lives. They grow organic food, using agroecological systems. You can read more about MTC here:
Zoom link:
18:00-18:30 Footsteps Against Racism
Moments of past migrants’ lives and of current theatre and activism
From voices of dolphins guiding migrants across threatening waters to signings of protest and revolution. And also strong voices against oppression, torture and discrimination, the cry of a refugee camp and the scream out of a box of definitions. And now here we are, captured in our daily routine and yet still struggling as before. But now somehow knowing better how to break the boundaries of our constraints. Footsteps Against Racism is a theater performance created by the same migrants and refugee’s collective that has successfully performed Our Footsteps throughout 2019 and the beginning of 2020.
19:00 Acoustic Closing Set
We’ll close off the day with good vibes in the polder, songs between the grass and dancing among the weeds!
Sunday 6th June
11:00-12:00 Edible Peatlands (RE-PEAT)
Join this session to learn about youth-led group, RE-PEAT. They will give an introduction into peatlands & paludiculture, as well as speaking about their work and ethos. They’ll talk about the drainage and use of peatlands across Europe and how that interacts with agricultural systems, finishing off by telling us about the plants that can be grown on peatlands for both edible and medicinal purposes – even sharing a recipe or two!
11:00-12:00 How to slay a Multinational
With the experiences of the radical international anti-shell campaign of the 1980’s as background we ask ourselves: how to bring a multinational to its knees. Are there any examples of ‘total victory’ in struggles against multinationals? Or are there examples that got far? And if so, what were the elements of the campaign, and under which circumstances did that happen? Of course we will not want to exclude Ahold (motherholding of Albert Heijn) from this discussion.
11:00-12:00 “Memories of the Forgotten Mother” – Storytelling Audio Tour by Weaving Realities Collective
We invite you to go on a journey in the city of Amsterdam, to undust the history of chocolate by listening to the ancestral stories of cacao and to activate the embodied memory as a collective decolonial healing. Amsterdam has the biggest import-export industry of cacao beans. While we are enjoying the sweet taste, do we ask ourselves where the chocolate comes from? Chocolate is made of the beans of cacao trees, which has more than 5000 years of history. In the Popol Vuh, the creation story of Mayan culture, it says that our flesh is made of corn, and our blood out of cacao – a concept of relationality with the land existing together as earth beings. This storytelling audio tour uses cacao as a vehicle for us to reconnect to the forgotten Mother Earth as Abya Yala*, to activate history into living memory, and to rethink our ways of relating to the world, as a relational living being. *Abya Yala refers to the non-colonized Americas.
12:00-13:00 Decolonial dialogues by Weaving Realities and Mama D
Join a circle and be part of a dialogue that prioritizes Earth-based ways of knowing, doing and think-feeling (senti-pensar). A guided collective reflection is offered by decolonial practitioners whose work and hearts cross continental abysses to facilitate healing. Welcome to this weaving of re-existences, a “diálogo de saberes”. Weaving Realities and Mama D share their own experiences and methods of decolonization, including The Food Journey and Memories of the Forgotten Mother. We hope that in the weaving of parallels that sensitive solidarities emerge and we will be nourished.
12:00-13:00 Walk and plant in the Polder
We’ll explore the beauty and ugliness of the Lutkemeerpolder’s business area as well as it’s invaluable natural parts. Who controls what parts? How have people shown resistance in the polder? What’s up with the Biopolder plans? All these questions and more will be answered on our walk. Afterwards, we’ll get to work and make the polder our own by planting pumpkin seedlings together.
14:00-15:00 The Dutch Nitrogen Discussion by Emre Han Iskender (Talk and Discussion)
The crazy nitrogen situation in the Netherlands, the interesting history and what we can do about it right now. The first 30 minutes will be a presentation. The second 30 minutes will be a discussion with each other.
Number of participants: Maximum 20 people
14:00-15:00 Kraakspreekuur
Although squatting is forbidden in the Netherlands, it is still happening. For people who are actively standing up for the right to housing help is a given. Since the reason for squatting is the societal problem of the housing crisis, squatters often present themselves as a bigger group. You can count on support by other squatters with your preparation of a squatting action, the action itself and the maintenance of the squatted house. You will get support, but you will have to take initiative and take important decisions yourself. Practically this means that you will have to find an empty house yourself, find out why and for how long it has been empty. You’ll also have to create a living group and live there yourself in the end. You can count on practical help as long as you make a clear plan yourself and coordinate its execution.
If this approach to solving the housing crisis and your own housing situation sounds good to you, join this squatting hour to ask all the practical questions you’ve always wanted to ask!
15:15-16:15 Netherlands goes Ende Gelände – Gas, Agriculture and Fertilizer
Ende Gelände is a mass action in Germany, which a typically targeted coal infrastructure. This year, it’s target is the gas infrastructure in Brunsbüttel, which happens to be the site of the mass action Free the Soil 2019, planned in part by members of the ASEED collective.
Liz & Edu would love to take a moment to discuss mass actions, thier pros and cons, and why the move of Ende Gelande to target this location could open up some exciting possibilities for a Dutch finger focusing on bringing the conversation of nitrogen fertilizers and industrial agriculture to this huge audience.
There will be time for brainstorming and discussing, so if you’re feeling creative, or just curious, please feel welcome to join us for this session!
Max Participants: 25-30 people, depending on the weather ( can we sit outside or not )
15:15-16:15 Regenerative Agriculture: How Politics Endangers the Food and Nutritional Security of Traditional Peoples and Communities by Phillipe Batiuk (CONAFER) (online)
In this talk, we will learn about regenerative agriculture, with a focus on experiences in indigenous, quilombola, fisher-folk, and small-scale farmers’ communities and how the current government and political scenario in Brazil endangers the autonomy of these groups in their struggles for food sovereignty and access to land.
Phillipe made a career as a journalist, as political and cooperative advisor. He currently works for CONAFER – the National Confederation of Family Farmers and Rural Family Entrepreneurs, in Brazil.
Zoom link:
15:15-16:15 Urban Agroecology and Transformation of Social Relations by João Portella (Heinrich Böll Foundation Brazil) (online)
In this talk, João will share his experience with working with urban agroecology in Brazil. We will have an overview of the experience of implementing projects in the favelas in cities like Rio, and see how Agroecology opened up space for the transformation and resignification of social relations in diƴerent communities.
João Portella Sobral is a popular educator, Forest Engineer, specialist in agroecology and agricultural policy. Widely experienced in working with civil society organizations, social movements, public policy development, advocacy, family farming, urban agriculture, rural settlements and traditional peoples and communities. Coordinator of the Agriculture Program at Heinrich Böll Foundation Brazil.
Zoom link:
16:15-17:15 Farm tour at Mosegården Jordbus (in Denmark)
Mosegården is a CSA project with 25 hectares of land located around 65 km West of Copenhagen. In 2018, the Mosegården collective began with a dream of transforming the large plots of land into a myriad of smaller areas with more nature and biodiversity and at the same time creating room for small-scale agriculture. They believe that agriculture must play an active role in the green transition. Stronger ties must be created between towns and farms.
Agriculture must help create vibrant and inspiring communities in the countryside. Come join this tour to get a glimpse of how their dream is going, and to ask some questions about how they work with the land and local communities.
Zoom link:
16:30-17:30 Food & Fossil Fuels – Human Map by Gastivists
The fossil fuel industry and industrial food system are deeply connected, and more and more international in our globalized world. Find out about these links, using the example of Brunsbuttel; where a planned gas terminal will face thousands of activists blockading it this summer. Expect a human map, interactive chats, and good vibes. For more detail on joining the action, check out the Ende Gelaende talk. From your friends at ASEED & The Gastivists.
16:30-17:30 Agroecological Logbooks and Women from the Semiarid regions in Brazil by Aline Martins (IICA) (online)
In this workshop, Aline Martins will be talking about the Agroecological Logbooks, a political-pedagogical tool that empowers rural women, is based on principles of feminist economy, provides valuable data about food and nutritional security, and challenges the sexual division of labor. The Agroecological logbooks provided rural women another perspective on their work and contribution to their household and communities.
The philosophy and methodology of the Logbooks, and well as its uses and benefits for rural women will be analyzed and showcased in Aline’s webinar. We will see some examples of experiences in Brazil and statements from both farmers and technicians who were involved in this project and will have an overview on how to implement this methodology in other countries.
Aline Martins is a specialist in Food and Nutritional Security Policy Management and also in Gender Equity Policies, she works primarily with Rural Women, Rural Youth, and Family Farmers. Consultant for International Organizations linked to the UN since 2012 and has worked with FAO, UNESCO, IICA, and currently with IFAD through the Semear Internacional Program, where she works with strengthening the management of rural projects in the Brazilian semiarid region.
The analysis of the first six months of annotation can be accessed in the link: Agroecological Logbooks and Women from the Semiarid – Portal Semear
Zoom link:
Closing Session
Bringing it all back together with everyone in the polder!