Looking back

Food Autonomy Festival #7: Amsterdam

With the Food Autonomy Festival #7 now behind us, we are taking some much needed rest and looking back at the amazing days of movement building, collective learning and creativity that we had together. We are incredibly thankful to everyone that helped make the festival as inspiring, fun, and engaging as it was – this gathering exceed out expectations and has fueled our hope for creating more connections and gaining strength and knowledge across movements together!

If you missed the FAF#7 in Amsterdam – or just want to relive it – you can read more about what happened on the different days below.

If you want to check out more photos from the festival, click here.

Friday 9th of June we hosted the FAF#7 in ADM Noord

As usual, the opening day of the FAF contained more practical engagement with food autonomy. During this very sunny day of solidarity gardening, we had the chance to get our hands dirty while concretely contributing to an alternative source of food. In the late afternoon, Ann Doherty from CityPlot gave a talk about food landscapes in and around Amsterdam, highlighting initiatives working to transform food production from global monoculture to local polyculture. The evening ended with a screening of the documentary “Meer” about the long resistance of the agricultural land rights struggle of the Lutkemeerpolder.



Saturday 10th of June was a full day of workshops

From practical activities such as dancing, theater, weaving and seed bomb making to talks about food systems, gas, fossil fertilizers, and colonialism, the program was busy!





Saturday evening was rich with words & melodies. There was storytelling about water, soil and trees in the Movement Building Space animated by Rik Vuur. And later on the Flippin’ Bitches lit fire on the dance floor with their dumpster jazz! The night continued with a crazy jungle party organized by ADM.


Sunday was the third & last shiny day

The program included creative workshops, such as a craft session for children reusing leftover design materials, and drawing political stickers. In other workshops were discussed topics of alternative food systems spanning fossil fuel hegemony, creation of resistance connection, and land ownership. The afternoon was dynamic thanks to the presence of a wide variety of movements. Sessions ranged from foraging, gardening, tree climbing, and creating connections in the Movement Building Space while weaving plants, to presentations on complex issues such as LNG, energy emissions and solidarity!




In the evening we played BEANgo, an educational game exploring the wonder of legumes and two engaging bands played for us: Your Local Pirates & Kraaklustig band!


???? Thank you to everyone ????

Who contributed to the FAF#7, we had an incredible time creating this year’s festival and could not have done it without the more than 30 volunteers who helped us out and the 300 visitors we estimated on Saturday and Sunday!

We were rewarded by all the energy you brought with you, and we hope to have created long-lasting connections across movements, inspiration, and seeds of knowledge to grow into new alliances of resistance and hope!

See you again next year!

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