Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) #1

The Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) #1 Amsterdam is about presenting and celebrating alternatives and resistance to the state and corporate-controlled industrial food system.

Come join us for a day of learning practical skills for growing (or finding…) your own food, to hear peoples’ experiences of gaining access to land, of building alternatives and forging resistance, to dance to thrashy folk-punk, and to share in the collective enthusiasm for an autonomous future!


Food Sovereignty and Agroecology

Together, food sovereignty and agroecology offer tangible social, political, economic, and ecological alternatives to organizing food production and reimagining societies on a co-operative, needs-oriented basis, as well as undoing the violence of the industrial food system. Come and discover more about the growing Nyeleni food sovereignty movement in Europe, the experiences of food sovereignty in Puerto Rico, and the role of agroecology in social movements around the world.

System Unplugging by Life Hacks

Learn with KasKantine the concrete steps to take in order to be less dependent on- “unplug”- from capitalist industrial agriculture. Come explore the possibilities of a DIY and self-sustaining lifestyle and ask whether this approach will realistically and significantly diminish the impact of capitalist industrial agriculture and help create a post-consumerist society.

Autonomous Collective Farming and Land Struggles

Without land and the space to autonomously organise, much else becomes irrelevant. Come along and hear how different collectives have gained access to or occupied land and how they are using this as a basis and strategy for organising politically and breaking their dependence on the industrial food system.

Migrants, Workers, and Food

Food is a tool of control utilized by the state, many NGOs, and corporations to nurture dependency and precarity. This is especially the case for those most vulnerable, such as refugees, agricultural workers, seasonal migrants, and young people working in the organic service industry. Come and hear about the status and treatment of workers in the food and agriculture sector in the Netherlands, and first hand experiences from people cooking for refugees in Greece.


DIY composting (Bajestuin)
Urban foraging/Plant walk
Elevated strawbale gardens (KasKantine)
Mushroom cultivation (Mycophilia)
Seed bombs (Cityplot)
Bread balls (Taste Before You Waste)


Crazy, idiot, anarcho-folk. East european traditional music arranged in a crazy trikoway and own gipsyklezmerstyle songs

Shitfaced Mermaids
Semi-fishy wasted freakfolk from Groningen

Nono and the Sinking Ship
One woman trashfolkcountry band


Seedling exchange- share your seed(ling)s!
Cityplot – Urban gardening
Paper Jam – printing the revolution – Revolutionary pamphlets & zines
Vrije Bond – Anarchist union
ANTIFA – Info and solidarity mechandise


Entry is FREE


Vegan food available on donation throughout the day from 12pm from Taste Before You Waste and later from Guerrilla Kitchen. The money will go to support the Balkan Aid Delivery Mission (, which is bringing warm meals to refugees in the Balkans.

More information regarding the programme will be posted onto this Facebook event as well as on the website:


The industrial food system is responsible for around half of global greenhouse gas emissions. It destroys biodiversity, drives deforestation, depletes and pollutes water sources, and erodes our soils to dust, making us all more vulnerable to climatic extremes.

The industrial food system decimates rural livelihoods, causes the spread of slums, facilitates the ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples, and locks billions into a system where their survival (and liberty) is based on their purchasing power. We need to break free.

Autonomy, as we understand it, is the act of individuals determining for themselves the course of their existence in the context of self-organised communities. It is about breaking our dependency on an unjust system and fighting for a better one.

We want to see autonomous groups take back the fields, forests, streets, farms and factories. We want to see communities self-organised in a cooperative way in harmony with their neighbours and surrounding ecologies.

For this to happen, food is a good place to start. This is why the decentralisation and socialisation of food production is the focus of FAF.

Thankfully, there are groups and individuals in Amsterdam and beyond broadly working towards food autonomy in various ways. We want to bring together, celebrate, and learn from these initiatives as part of an important step in collectively reclaiming our autonomy and putting food at the heart of questions over social, economic, political, and climate justice.


Interested in volunteering or participating? Please email:

*Additional information on this topic may be found in ASEED Europe
<>’s most recent publication titled: The Climate Crisis is a Food System Crisis. PDF found here:

When and Where

The festival will take place on the 6th May, 2017 at the Bajesdorp in Amsterdam. Starting at 12:00 the event will run into the evening, finishing with bands, food and bar.

The Bajesdorp is a collection of houses, some squatted, some rented. Most FAF activities, including eating and drinking, will happen in De Muiterij, the main social center at the Bajesdorp. You can find out more about the social space and the other events happening there by visiting the Bajesdorp website, here.

The Bajesdorp can be found at the follow address:

H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 36,

1096 AN,


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