Successful Agroecological Case Studies: #2 Chololo Ecovillage, Tanzania

In central Tanzania, the project Chololo Ecovillage was launched in 2011 as a response to effects of climate change that are already affecting agricultural production, such as changing rainfall patterns. The success … verder lezen

Successful Agroecology Case Studies: #1 Sikkim, India

Study of agroecological cases; Introduction: monthly article on Agroecology successful practices. In these monthly bulletins we’ll briefly highlight some examples where  agroecological practices, and therefore synthetic fertilizer free, are succeeding. The aim of sharing this … verder lezen

Reclaim the Seeds with 6 seed fairs

Success! We are pleased to announce a number of seed exchanges! Saturday 2 February 2019, Oudenaarde (BE): Reclaim the Seeds – ‘kiemen van verzet’ / ‘sprouting resistance’ Big companies and European seed … verder lezen

Free the Soil meeting in Berlin!

During the weekend of January 18th-20th 2019, two ASEED volunteers travelled to Berlin for the second international meeting of Free the Soil. Free the Soil is a growing network of dedicated people … verder lezen

Bloc for Radical Climate Justice during 10/03 Climate March in Amsterdam

Sunday the 10th of March a historical climate demonstration will take place in Amsterdam, organised by a wide coalition of civil society organisations. It is expected to become one of the largest … verder lezen

Update: Amsterdam prepares to destroy Boterbloem Farm and Lutkemeerpolder

On December 19 the Amsterdam city government (GroenLinks, D66, PvdA en SP) made it’s final decision that the Lutkemeerpolder and Boterbloem organic farm will not be saved, and will instead be turned … verder lezen

SEEDmail #48: Action against YARA, TBYW Festival..

Between our monthly Fossil Free Agriculture open campaign meetings held in Amsterdam, the coordination of buses from the Netherlands to the mass civil disobedience action Ende Gelände in Rhineland, various events and … verder lezen

Creatures from the earth rise up: “Stop Yara!”

Wednesday morning, November 28th, activists from the Fossil Free Agriculture campaign protested in front of the European Mineral Fertilizer Summit against the use of synthetic fertilizers and the influence of fertilizer companies … verder lezen

SEEDmail #47: An Active Autumn!

Between our monthly Fossil Free Agriculture open campaign meetings held in Amsterdam, the coordination of buses from the Netherlands to the mass civil disobedience action Ende Gelände in Rhineland, various events and … verder lezen

Join the Fossil Free Agriculture open campaign meeting!

All interested people are invited to join our monthly open meeting for building a Fossil Free Agriculture (FFA) campaign, on Tuesday November 13th in Amsterdam. This will be the fifth monthly meeting … verder lezen

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