🌱 Food Autonomy Festival #7 is going to Utrecht again this year!!! 🌱

We are very excited to announce that the Food Autonomy Festival is coming to Utrecht again this year!

On the 17th of June: Farm tour! Join to visit some local farms in Utrecht. We will cycle there together and spend some hours from 10am-5pm exploring the farms and meeting the people involved.

Please sign up until the 14th of June here if you would like to join us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8N2xJPAHOD9yqIkfwWoWtT_8XO-caDOEONc3D3W2PJc6B9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link 

On the 18th of June at Centrum EMMA in Utrecht: Festival day! This will include workshops and discussions around food autonomy, skill sharing, music, children’s program, opportunities to relax in the garden and much more…

👉 Keep an eye on our social media and this page for more information about the program and what exciting things we are getting ready for you.

[poster by @bbombarius]