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Online Reading Group on Food Sovereignty/Autonomy vs Food Security

October 28, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

We are back with the monthly reading group online again where we share and discuss ideas together about the texts we have read. In this reading group we want to dive deeper into the topic of Food Sovereignty, Food Autonomy and Food Security. ASEED has been organizing the Food Autonomy Festival multiple years now and we consider ourselves advocates for Food Sovereignty/Autonomy. But what exactly do all of these terms mean (in practice)? What implications does Food Sovereignty have in the context of the Global South vs Global North, urban vs rural areas? Why call it Food Autonomy rather than Food Sovereignty? There are a lot of questions to be explored and we believe reading groups can be great way to educate ourselves and learn from each other. For this session we will be reading:

Food Sovereignty Now! – A Guide to Food Sovereignty by European Coordination La   Via Campesina (p.1-14; optional: p.15-27)

Food sovereignty, food security and democratic choice: Critical contradictions, difficult conciliations by Bina Agarwal

If you want to participate you can contact alina[at]aseed.net to reserve a spot. Keep in mind, that even if we are meeting online we want to keep the group small to enable a fruitful discussion so the max. amount of participants are 14 people. Once you have signed up we will send you the readings for this session and also later the zoom link to join the event. No previous knowledge is required, anyone who joins can have valuable insights!


October 28, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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