Support ‘Om Sleiman’ agroecological farm in Palestine!

While the Israeli army is murdering and starving thousands of Palestinians to death in Gaza, the situation in the West Bank has also been getting worse and worse since October 2023. Freedom … verder lezen

Reading Group #4: Agroecology & Guerilla gardening

🌽 Join ASEED on May 4th for this year’s last reading group meeting, where we’ll dive into the final topic of our Fossil Free Agriculture campaign – agroecology. 🌽 How does agroecology … verder lezen

Mycelia van Hoop goes to Reclaim the Seeds Nijmegen!

On Sunday 9th of April we will meet at CSA Eetmeerbosch in Nijmegen for a full day of farming and building activities! ´Mycelia van Hoop’ is an initiative from the Dutch Agroecology … verder lezen

Farmer Portrait #2: Francesca from Italy

Interview conducted and translated by Isabella de Judicibus. This is our second post in a weekly series called “Farmers Portraits.” We decided to take a look at the different ways in which … verder lezen

Farmer Portrait #1: Freddy Cordero from Costa Rica

Interview conducted by Robbie Dubbelman. Translation done by Joselyn Cordero Jirón. This is our first post in a weekly series called “Farmer Portraits.” We decided to take a look at the different … verder lezen