Resistance to agri-business is rising

Together with 200+ civil society organisations, ASEED has signed an open letter to the EU Commissioner Vestager (responsible for competition and for regulating the mergers) and other relevant Commissioners to voice its … verder lezen

The Climate Crisis is a Food System Crisis

“The climate crisis is a food system crisis” is a new publication from ASEED that outlines the climate impacts of the industrial food system and how a select few transnational corporations maintain … verder lezen

Report from Reclaim the Fields Annual Meeting

In a snow covered Freiburg, 50-60 people from across Europe gather to share stories, learn from one-another and plan the future of Reclaim the Fields, a network of “people and collective projects … verder lezen

Beyond the red lines: a movie on the growing climate justice movement

From the lignite mines in the Rhineland to the port of Amsterdam or the streets of Paris during the World Climate Summit, the struggles for climate justice are fought at more and … verder lezen

The Monsanto Tribunal in the home stretch

The takeover of Monsanto by Bayer has officially been announced for $66 billion, bringing this way a lot of press and public attention to the Monsanto Tribunal.

ASEED Attend the European Civic Forum at Longo Maï

Earlier this month several members of the ASEED team attended the European Civic Forum at Longo Maï in France. Approximately 400 participants joined the international meeting, which included a week of presentations, … verder lezen

The Monsanto Tribunal judges are ready… Where’s Monsanto?

On July 12th, the organizers of the International Monsanto Tribunal announced the installation of three international judges who will co-chair the citizens’ tribunal, scheduled for October 15-16 in The Hague, Netherlands.

How the TTIP Could Increase the Carbon Footprint of Food

Beginning of July 2016 a series of actions were carried out by TTIP Game Over campaigners in Brussels. ‘TTIP Game Over’ posters were put up all over the city, meetings were disrupted and … verder lezen

Keep on rockin´ in the ¨GMO-free¨ world

While many celebrities are willing to simply use their name to promote a fashionable cause (and, of course, to promote themselves) without seriously engaging with the issue at hand, Neil Young has … verder lezen

ASEED & the Monsanto Tribunal

The Monsanto Tribunal will take place between 14 and 16 October 2016 in The Hague. What are the links between it and ASEED and what is this all about?

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