Climate activists demonstrate against the German Animal Feed Association

On November 7, 25 activists demonstrated in Bonn under the slogan “Stop the livestock industry and its lobby at COP23! – DVT: stop facilitating climate change!”. ASEED and the German network Animal … verder lezen

COP23, update 2: coalfish and daisy world

On Monday Nov 6th, Prime Minister of Fiji Frank Bainimarama opened the COP23, stressing on the emergency of the situation “All over the world, vast numbers of people are suffering – bewildered … verder lezen

COP23 update 1: Ende Gelände and more

Today, one more time, thousands of people participated in a mass civil disobedience action to occupy (and therefore stop) the coal mine of Hambach. The pit is located 50 kilometers from Bonn, … verder lezen

COP23: Guerilla against Greenwashing continued!

2 years ago, during the UN Climate Summit COP21 in Paris, ASEED started the Guerilla Against Greenwashing.

SEEDmail #42 – Bonn appétit

The leaves are falling, there is going to be another climate summit and we are busy with the organisation of Reclaim the Seeds. De bladeren vallen, er komt weer een klimaattop en … verder lezen

Demonstration against industrial livestock farming

Tuesday the 7th of November: Stop the livestock industry and its lobby at COP23! DVT: stop facilitating climate change! Demonstration from the office of the ‘Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung’ towards the People’s Summit … verder lezen

The land belongs to those who cultivate it

This is a text from the newsletter from Longo maï. We think that it is interesting enough for a wider distribution In the beginning of June, our cooperatives in the South of … verder lezen

Efforts towards free seeds in Colombia

For three years now, the Longo Maï cooperatives have been working together with the network ’Guardianes de Semillas de Vida’ (Guardians of the seeds of life) in Colombia. In the letter below, … verder lezen

Agriculture, a topic forgotten from the climate conferences

From the 6th to the 17th of November 2017, ASEED will focus its attention on Bonn. During two weeks, the German city will welcome the COP23 and the most influential people of … verder lezen

Reclaim the Seeds: save the dates for 2018

24 februari Rotterdam; 3 maart Amsterdam; 10 maart ergens in Vlaanderen. Er werd ons al door vele mensen gevraagd of er al een plek en datum bekend is voor een volgend Reclaim … verder lezen

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