The leaves are falling, there is going to be another climate summit and we are busy with the organisation of Reclaim the Seeds. De bladeren vallen, er komt weer een klimaattop en we zijn bezig met de organisatie van Reclaim the Seeds. Things seem to repeat themselves.
But it each time different though and also the locations change. The climate summit is from November 6 till 17 in Bonn, nearby and for this reason we will meddle with it.
Begining 2018 there will be Reclaim the Seeds events in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Leuven.
And because we are so busy with all this we are looking for some reinforcement.
The leaves are falling like they do every fall.
ASEED is looking for a Campaign Fundraiser
We are looking for someone with 3–5 years experience as fundraiser/campaigner. The ideal candidate will have an understanding of campaigning on food autonomy issues. Tasks involve the coordination of activities related to fundraising, including strategic, financial and campaign planning, networking and other related activities. The job location is Amsterdam.
The complete conditions and job description can be found here:
Climate Summit COP23 in Bonn
From 6 – 17th of November 2017, The World Climate Change Conference, COP23, will take place in Bonn.
During these two weeks influential people, including delegates from governments and companies, will gather to talk about climate change. However their interest to secure economic growth is happening at the expense of the environment. Agriculture, one of the leading causes of climate change, is a forgotten topic by the climate conferences. Up to 57% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions occur across our industrial food system.
For further reading see the article ‘Agriculture, a topic forgotten from the climate conferences‘ and the brochure ‘The Climate Crisis is a Food System Crisis‘.
ASEED Europe will be present in Bonn, joining the Ende Gelände Action on the 5th of November (further info: and in the People’s Climate Summit on November 6-7.
7th November, together with the German group Animal Climate Action, ASEED is organizing a demonstration against Industrial livestock farming and the animal feed industry. We start in front of the German animal feed lobby and go to the People’s Summit. We would like to invite you to join us and help raise awareness on the meat industry and its impact in the climate crisis.
Read a longer call for the demonstration.
We invite more Netherlands based people to join! The busses organised by Code Rood are full, but there are still cheap offers by for example Flixbus.
For those who are able to ride to Bonn by bicycle, here is a link to find your fellow cyclists heading for Ende Gelände.
The more the merrier!
Reclaim the Seeds
Dates of our Reclaim The Seeds’ 2018 edition are set!
We are pleased to invite you to Rotterdam (BlueCity) on the 24th of February; to Amsterdam (Fruittuin van West) on the 3rd/4th of March and to Leuven (Belgium) on the 10th of March.
These three events will consist in inviting several farmers to sell, buy and exchange local seeds. The big part of the seeds fair will be on Saturdays but some extra activities (workshop, excursions, …) are planned for Sundays.
Programs, times and other practical issues will be published on the website of Reclaim the Seeds. But all lovers of special crops, seed-saving, agricultural biodiversity and a sustainable food system can now save the date!
Monsanto Tribunal
ASEED is still supporting the Monsanto Tribunal. Have a look on its last newsletter.
The French journalist and documentary filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin (The World According to Monsanto) released a new book and film called RoundUp on trial. For several months, the journalist followed Roundup victims and experts from all over the world, revealing a massive health and environmental scandal. Like the trailer, the DVD version will also include English subtitles.
Don’t miss more info by subscribing to the newsletter.
Recent publications
– De Boterbloem, a local organic farm, is under threat. For more information on saving the farm and keeping agriculture in Amsterdam going, see:
– To stay up to date about the struggle, initiatives and networks towards free seeds in Colombia, please see:
– The land occupation in Somonte, Andalucía is still going on. The land belongs to those who cultivate it. For further reading:
Facebook vs. Diaspora
It would be strange to have your preparation meeting for the next climate actions at McDonald’s. And we also don’t cc. our contact lists and plans to the secret service. We criticize Cargill, Bayer/Monsanto and Nestlé because of their size and market power. On our website we don’t want to have advertisements, especially not if they are generated by a secret algorithm we don’t have any influence on. We are using open source software in our office to stay away from the large tech companies. So isn’t it strange to use Facebook, one of the largest and richest companies in the world, a company that is monopolizing social media, collecting and using huge amounts of data from everybody? We think it is.
But, on the other hand, ASEED wants to reach a broader audience with its critical messages, reports and calls for action. And unfortunately many people are using Facebook, this is the reality of the world we are in. We don’t want to miss out those people.
For this reason ASEED decided to keep on posting on Facebook but to be present on Diaspora as well from now on. Diaspora is an alternative for Facebook. It is a non-profit, user-owned, distributed social network based upon three key concepts: decentralization, freedom and privacy. Diaspora consists of independently owned pods (servers) that form a network.
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