Les Soulevements de la Terre tour

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Last month, we had the pleasure to host Les Soulevements de la Terre and Bassines non Merci in their tour across Central Europe. They were able to share their struggle, history, and plans for the coming period. We are so glad we can stay in solidarity with each other in this context of global theft of vital needs.

Thank you very much for everyone who attended, for the volunteers, and for all those who continue to rise up for the right of communities, all over the world, to have control over their land, water and food. Despite the technical difficulties to communicate with each other across borders, we need to find ways for an internationalist fight for sovereignty.

Also, they made an important announcement!

There will be an international mobilisation week for the defense of water on July 15-21, in Poitou (France). Let’s go & unite against the mega-bassines, which are privatising the water, destroying ecosystems and harming communities. Convoys and “village” on July 15-19, actions on July 20-21.

Check out Les Soulevements de la Terre and Bassines non Merci websites to be up to date.

Pas une bassine de +, pas ici ni ailleurs!

P.S.: We couldn’t show the material very clearly during the talk. If you want us to share with you their presentation & materials (all in French), send us an email to info[at]aseed.net

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