STOP MEGA-BASINS – International mobilization

Government Dictate – And yet they persist! The Minister of Agriculture recently dared to announce the objective of building 100 new mega-basins by the end of the year. On the outskirts of … verder lezen

Support ‘Om Sleiman’ agroecological farm in Palestine!

While the Israeli army is murdering and starving thousands of Palestinians to death in Gaza, the situation in the West Bank has also been getting worse and worse since October 2023. Freedom … verder lezen

Les Soulevements de la Terre on tour!

Les Soulèvements de la Terre will be in Amsterdam next week! At their stops across NL, Germany, and the Czech Republic, they will provide insights into their experiences, strategies and forms of … verder lezen

Mycelia van Hoop goes to Reclaim the Seeds Nijmegen!

On Sunday 9th of April we will meet at CSA Eetmeerbosch in Nijmegen for a full day of farming and building activities! ´Mycelia van Hoop’ is an initiative from the Dutch Agroecology … verder lezen

ASEED at Reclaims the Seeds Amsterdam

Come and join us for a weekend full of seed exchanges, political discussions, gardening workshops and farm tours at the Reclaim the Seeds event on the 23rd and 24th March at the … verder lezen

Successful Agroecological Case Studies: #2 Chololo Ecovillage, Tanzania

In central Tanzania, the project Chololo Ecovillage was launched in 2011 as a response to effects of climate change that are already affecting agricultural production, such as changing rainfall patterns. The success … verder lezen