Yara Fertilizes Chaos

Have you ever heard that fertilizers are essential to feed an ever-growing global population? Has anyone told you that it is a miracle that there are fertilizers to grow food and feed people … verder lezen

The connection between the Hydrogen energy hype, fertilizers and the fossil fuel industry

Why the synthetic fertilizer industry loves fossil fuels:Synthetic fertilizers producers rely on fossil fuels as their main input. Through multiple industrial processes fossil gas is converted to the fertilizer Ammonia (NH₃). As … verder lezen

Protest against YARA

“SHIT SHOW” Protest against YARA Milieudefensie Jong is organising a “Shit Show” protest in Utrecht this week. Just like in an award show, different movements are going to hand out all kinds … verder lezen

Debunking Yara’s lies about their so-called “Regenerative Agriculture”

Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer giant Yara International has published a paper detailing “Our Position on Regenerative Agriculture” as a part of a larger marketing campaign to greenwash their destructive, neo-colonial and exploitative practices. … verder lezen

Regenerative Agriculture: an answer to YARA’s “answer to the future of farming”

– Big agrobusinesses are co-opting regenerative agriculture, distorting it to fit a business-as-usual agenda as a greenwashing tactic. – True regenerative agriculture originates from and is led by BIPOC, peasant, and Majority … verder lezen