FAF#3: sunny and busy

On Thursday May 30, about 50 people gathered in the Lutkemeer polder, in Amsterdam West, to occupy a terrain for the 3rd edition of the Food Autonomy Festival. Activists chose to set … verder lezen

From seed patents in Ethiopia to farming in Amsterdam

We had a great time during the two Reclaim the Seeds events, the first in Amsterdam and the second in Wageningen the following weekend. We were busy with the info stand sharing … verder lezen

Successful Agroecological Case Studies: #2 Chololo Ecovillage, Tanzania

In central Tanzania, the project Chololo Ecovillage was launched in 2011 as a response to effects of climate change that are already affecting agricultural production, such as changing rainfall patterns. The success … verder lezen

Livestock & Anthropogenic Green House Gases in the era of the Capitalocene

How Industrial Livestock Production is Causing Climate Change and how to Organise Against it.   Introduction During the International Geological Congress held in Cape Town last year, a group of scientists announced … verder lezen

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