“Mycelia van Hoop” farming day at the Boerderij de Meent

🌾✊ Join us for a day of farming at the Boerderij de Meent, connecting to the land, food, with other activists and farmers! ✊🌾 Sign up here until the 24th of July, … verder lezen

From seed patents in Ethiopia to farming in Amsterdam

We had a great time during the two Reclaim the Seeds events, the first in Amsterdam and the second in Wageningen the following weekend. We were busy with the info stand sharing … verder lezen

Update: Amsterdam prepares to destroy Boterbloem Farm and Lutkemeerpolder

On December 19 the Amsterdam city government (GroenLinks, D66, PvdA en SP) made it’s final decision that the Lutkemeerpolder and Boterbloem organic farm will not be saved, and will instead be turned … verder lezen