‘Fossil Free Agriculture’ ESC open position: Apply Now!

Do you have an affinity with activism, grass-roots organising, or campaigning on agriculture and food issues, as well as social justice? Are you concerned about climate change? Would you like to change … verder lezen

SEEDmail #48: Action against YARA, TBYW Festival..

Between our monthly Fossil Free Agriculture open campaign meetings held in Amsterdam, the coordination of buses from the Netherlands to the mass civil disobedience action Ende Gelände in Rhineland, various events and … verder lezen

SEEDmail #47: An Active Autumn!

Between our monthly Fossil Free Agriculture open campaign meetings held in Amsterdam, the coordination of buses from the Netherlands to the mass civil disobedience action Ende Gelände in Rhineland, various events and … verder lezen

“Fossil Free Agriculture” ESC open position: apply now!

Do you have an affinity with activism and grass roots organising or campaigning on agriculture and food issues? Are you concerned about climate change? We are looking for one person to join … verder lezen

Seedmail #46: Campaign meeting, Free the Soil & Ende Gelände

We kicked off our Fossil Free Agriculture campaign successfully and have already started with some great planning for future actions, events and more. Recently we have been involved in an action camp … verder lezen

SEEDmail #45 – About action camps and gastivists

The weather is autumnal and luckily for our food production it is raining again. The watering cans and pumps have been stored and during the darker evenings we have the opportunity again … verder lezen

SEEDmail #44 – Tasty, autonomous and fossil free

A few more days until the second edition of the Food Autonomy Festival in Bajesdorp in Amsterdam! Autonomy or sovereignty, what do we need for our food? For sure a lot has … verder lezen

Seedmail #43 – Spring is in the air, but so is CO2

The weather was pretty mild in January: bulbs were starting to sprout while birds were singing like it was already March. However, the freezing temperatures in the last few days reminded us … verder lezen

COP23, final update: negotiations outcomes

Have governments achieved anything relevant? Did they finish the Paris Agreement documents? Did they discuss agriculture or climate refugees? This is a short review on the final negotiation outcomes at the COP23

SEEDmail #42 – Bonn appétit

The leaves are falling, there is going to be another climate summit and we are busy with the organisation of Reclaim the Seeds. De bladeren vallen, er komt weer een klimaattop en … verder lezen

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