Seedmail #46: Campaign meeting, Free the Soil & Ende Gelände


We kicked off our Fossil Free Agriculture campaign successfully and have already started with some great planning for future actions, events and more. Recently we have been involved in an action camp on the field across the way from the threatened Boterbloem farm in Amsterdam Osdorp and we are currently trying to mobilise as many people as possible to join us for the next Ende Gelände mass civil disobedience protest from the 25h til 29th of October.

In this 46th SEEDmail you can read more about those topics. And of course you can still join our campaign or support us financially. We hope to see you on our next open campaign meeting!

— Announcements —

October 9: Open meeting Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign

Next week on Tuesday 9th October it is time for the fourth open meeting for building a Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign. The meeting will be at Dokhuis (Plantage Doklaan 8 in Amsterdam), from 7.30-9.00 PM. If people join for the first time or feel that they want a short reminder or update on the campaign, you are invited to join a brief introduction  from 7-7.30 PM. There will also be an option for all to share a vegan dinner from 6.30 PM (on donation). Please send an email to, if you plan to come, this will help us to plan and prepare the meeting and food.

October 25-29: take a ride with us to Ende Gelände!

This October 25th-29th, thousands of people will gather for the next Ende Gelände mass civil disobedience protest. We will be using our bodies and stand in the way of the gigantic coal machinery that threatens Hambacher Forest and our global climate. Together with Code Rood, Fossil Free AUC, Fossil Free Wageningen and GroenFront!, ASEED is organising buses from the Netherlands to support this action (FB event here). We expect the buses to be full soon, so sign up as soon as possible at

November 13-17: Climate Justice Games against EuroTier in Hannover

After Amsterdam, Paris, Basel and Wien the Climate Games will now take place in Hannover, and ASEED will participate! The aim of those actions (organised by AniCa) is to put focus on both climate and justice, in order to make it clear that the exploitation of animals, humans and nature cannot be understood in isolation from each other, and to strengthen the common struggles of left and social movements. The occasion is the EuroTier fair – the world’s largest trade fair for animal husbandry, which takes place every two years in Hannover. If you would like to join or support the ASEED delegation to the Climate and Justice Games, please get in touch by sending an email to: info [at]

More info on

We are looking for new seedlings! (EVS position)

Do you have affinity with the work of ASEED, some experience with activism, grass roots organising or campaigning on agriculture/food? We are looking for one person joining the ASEED team for a period of one year starting in January 2019 as an ESC-er. If you are not older than 30 years, speak English, and would like to join us, then maybe this is something for you.

— Follow Up —

Throwback to: Protest at townhall and presentation BioPolder Lutkemeer

Spanning over the course of the weekend, the field across the way from the threatened Boterbloem farm in Amsterdam Osdorp was transformed into an action camp, organised as a protest against plans by SADC (Schiphol Area Development Company) to build a new business park for commercial companies on these fields. More than seven hundred people came from all over to show their support and solidarity with the people of the Luktemeer. Tents were built, signs were put up, food kitchens mobilised, and to welcome everyone into the site a huge message was hung, “ Wij willen een stad die vruchtbare grond beschermt tegen grondbelegging en speculatie“ [We want a city that protects fertile soil against land investment and speculation].

On Wednesday October 3rd a protest was held outside and inside the Stopera Amsterdam city hall, before and during a meeting of the Spatial Planning committee. Outside, there were protest signs, protest songs and different people speaking from a stage. Hundreds of forks with solidarity messages were attached to the city hall. Inside, it was possible for citizens to speak to the council members. Eleven people used this opportunity, speaking from different perspectives about the many reasons not to destroy unique farmland for another useless business park. The alternative plan “BioPolder Lutkemeer” was also presented.

This time, the Lutkemeer and Boterbloem were formally not on the agenda of the commission meeting. But we clearly showed the council members that we are serious and that we have a realistic alternative plan for the Lutkemeerpolder, in line with the ecological and social objectives of the city of Amsterdam.

The next Spatial Planning committee meeting, where the Boterbloem / Lutkemeer polder will be discussed by council members, will be either the 11th or the 21st of November. Follow, and the Behoud Lutkemeer Facebook page to keep up to date. If you want to get involved in the campaign, write to: info [at]

— Reports —

New brochure: Industrial Agriculture and Climate Chaos

Klima Kollektivet from Denmark published the cool brochure ‘Industrial Agriculture and Climate Chaos’. The brochures in Danish, English and German have been distributed widely during the Code Rood camp and action this August. But if you missed this you can download the brochure in German and English.

Continue reading here.

geld-geven-300— Donations —

Because the large philanthropist still overlook ASEED when they look through their internet bubble, we still hope to receive a donation from you! Here you can read how you can give us some money:





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