ASEED & the Monsanto Tribunal

The Monsanto Tribunal will take place between 14 and 16 October 2016 in The Hague. What are the links between it and ASEED and what is this all about?

Dramatic figures: The value of Dutch agricultural exports reaches record high in 2015

Bewerkt artikel. Het origineel was gepubliceerd op op 06 juni 2016 ( Last year the value of Dutch agriculture exports amounted to 81.3 billion Euros, the highest level ever. If products … verder lezen

European CSA Overview

The European CSA Research Group published a beautiful report giving an overview of the community supported agriculture (CSA) projects and network in Europe. This movement is being increasingly recognized for offering an … verder lezen

Climate Justice Action meeting

Call out CJA Meeting 18-20 March 2016 in Amsterdam Two months since COP21; since governments claimed they’d made history; since tens of thousands of us were in the streets of Paris, Europe, … verder lezen

Wageningen is in favour of everything, as long as it isn’t too critical

[this text only exists in Dutch] Op 12 en 13 februari vonden Reclaim the Seeds en Voedsel Anders plaats in het Forum- en Orion gebouw van de Universiteit van Wageningen (ook wel … verder lezen

Successful Reclaim the Seeds in Wageningen

Around 1000 participants in seed fair and workshop programme on the campus of the University of Wageningen. Joint statement against patents on crop plants and against the power position of the major … verder lezen

Action against ‘philanthropic’ corporate funding in Amsterdam

ASEED and friends gathered outside the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam on the 26th of January, 2016, to inform those attending a debate with Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) … verder lezen

GMO labelling in the USA: a tipping point for the industry?

While labelling GMO ingredients in food is mandatory in the European Union, it is still debated in the USA. Vermont is the first state which has passed a law to force companies … verder lezen

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