ECJ ruling on gene editing products: Victory for consumers, farmers, environment

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) published on July 25th its ruling on the legal status of food and feed crops derived from certain new genetic modification techniques. It gave clear confirmation … verder lezen

Stop ‘Baysanto’ from monopolizing seeds!

International call against patents on seeds. Prompted by the Bayer takeover of Monsanto, around 40 institutions active in plant breeding, agriculture and environmental protection are calling for effective measures to stop the … verder lezen

Pesticides debate report: we need a paradigm shift

On Thursday, April 5th, the Green Office from the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam organised a debate on pesticides and sustainable agriculture in order to assess the impact of chemical agriculture, and … verder lezen

ASEED info night: new GMOs

On Friday March 23rd, join us at NieuwLand in Amsterdam to discuss about Genetically Modified Organisms in agriculture.

Stop new GMOs – a brochure with 12 arguments

[This page is not yet available in English, but the bruchure is] Deze brochure gaat in op de nieuwe soorten gentech die worden gebruikt en in ontwikkeling zijn. Met deze brochure geven … verder lezen

Monsanto’s impact on basic human rights

After several months of work following the hearings of witnesses and experts (The Hague, Oct. 2016), the five judges of the Monsanto Tribunal have delivered their conclusions in a 60-pages legal advisory … verder lezen

‘Lobby Planet’ – new brochure made by CEO

Corporate Europe Observatory, an organisation which keeps an eye on the corporate lobby in Brussels, published a new brochure: ‘Lobby Planet’. It features: 135 big business lobby actors representing different industry interests; … verder lezen

Flyer action against Unilevers involvement in ‘greenwash soy’

On March 31st, ASEED handed out flyers at the gathering ‘Doe maar lekker duurzaam’ in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. The statement of the evening was “Can food giant Unilever save the … verder lezen

Monsanto Tribunal Judges will deliver a legal opinion on April 18th 2017

[Latest update 06/04/2017] On Oct 15th-16th, the Monsanto Tribunal took place in the Hague. It was an unprecedented international mobilization that enabled five eminent judges to hear testimonies from victims coming from … verder lezen

Resistance to agri-business is rising

Together with 200+ civil society organisations, ASEED has signed an open letter to the EU Commissioner Vestager (responsible for competition and for regulating the mergers) and other relevant Commissioners to voice its … verder lezen

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