Stop new GMOs – a brochure with 12 arguments
[This page is not yet available in English, but the bruchure is] Deze brochure gaat in op de nieuwe soorten gentech die worden gebruikt en in ontwikkeling zijn. Met deze brochure geven … verder lezen
Bike action to protect De Boterbloem
[update: On March 7 an action took place to try to convince the local politicians. Three tractors and a group of Boterbloem supporters with pitchforks and other farm tools went to the … verder lezen
Seedmail #43 – Spring is in the air, but so is CO2
The weather was pretty mild in January: bulbs were starting to sprout while birds were singing like it was already March. However, the freezing temperatures in the last few days reminded us … verder lezen
Buy The Planet Summit
On the 12th of December, French president Emmanuel Macron gathered international negotiators in Paris for the One Planet Summit. Exactly two years after signing the Paris Agreement, the idea was to celebrate … verder lezen
COP23, final update: negotiations outcomes
Have governments achieved anything relevant? Did they finish the Paris Agreement documents? Did they discuss agriculture or climate refugees? This is a short review on the final negotiation outcomes at the COP23
COP23, update 4: positive initiatives
Despite the strong ‘business as usual’ attitude we witnessed in and around the COP23, all was not doom and gloom in Bonn. Here are some very positive or promising initiatives we have … verder lezen
Good news for organic and biodiverse seeds
[no English translation available yet] De Europese Raad en de Landbouwcommissie van het Europees Parlement hebben op 20 november jl. hun goedkeuring gegeven aan de nieuwe bioverordening voor de Europese Unie. Drie jaar … verder lezen
Feeding the world with organic agriculture? Not easy, but it is possible
“Feeding the world in an ecological manner would be on condition of drastic measures, conclude scientists.” This is the title of a pretty alarming and one-sided article published in the Dutch Newspaper … verder lezen
COP23, update 3: resistance vs. business as usual
Here is ASEED’s third update about the COP23 in Bonn. In the last days, we have been visiting the official conference centre and most importantly, we participated in many nice alternative events … verder lezen