Who is ASEED?
ASEED (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Diversity) is a small grassroots organization fighting the structural causes of social and environmental injustice in food systems. We advocate for alternative food production through movement-building, skill shares, workshops, actions, and much more. We especially focus on opposing fossil fertilizers in industrial agriculture and supporting sustainable and fair local food alternatives in Amsterdam and beyond.

We’re working hard to catalyse change towards fairer food futures, and we need your help to make it possible! If you wish to support our fight against industrial agriculture and fossil fertilizers, give a donation to ASEED. This way you can provide us with the time and resources necessary to expose and challenge the injustices caused by the fossil fertilizer industry.
Get involved!
There are many ways to get involved with ASEED, such as participating in events, volunteering, joining actions, interning, and applying for positions. You can also always reach out to us if you would like to become a part of our network or have an idea for a collaborative project!