Reclaim the Seeds 2017: Nijmegen spreaded the seeds
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[no English translation available yet] Zaterdag 4 maart gonsde de hal van voormalige spinnerij de Vasim in Nijmegen van de activiteit. De belangstelling voor de landelijke zadenmarkt en zadenruilbeurs Reclaim the Seeds … verder lezen

Pictures Reclaim the Seeds 2017

Here you find a selection of pictures of Reclaim the Seeds 2017 in Nijmegen. Click on the pictures to get larger versions.

Explanation about the swap tables at Reclaim the Seeds
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Just like every year, this edition of Reclaim the Seeds will include seed swap tables were all participants can swap their self saved seeds. And we hope the tables will be more … verder lezen

Report from Reclaim the Fields Annual Meeting
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In a snow covered Freiburg, 50-60 people from across Europe gather to share stories, learn from one-another and plan the future of Reclaim the Fields, a network of “people and collective projects … verder lezen

Reclaim the Seeds 2017: Spread the seed!
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On 4 March Seed Fair in De Vasim in Nijmegen. On 5 March practical jobs in a new ecological quarter in Lent (Nijmegen-Noord). We did it again! We have a location for … verder lezen

Reclaim the Seeds Internationally
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Reclaim the Seeds Internationally Reclaim the Seeds was started in 2012 in Amsterdam as a seed fair with stalls from all over the Netherlands. At the fair, seeds can be swapped, bought … verder lezen

Successful Reclaim the Seeds in Wageningen
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Around 1000 participants in seed fair and workshop programme on the campus of the University of Wageningen. Joint statement against patents on crop plants and against the power position of the major … verder lezen

Reclaim the Seeds 2016 in Wageningen
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Seeds can be multiplied. The same applies to Reclaim the Seeds. Early 2016 2 Reclaim-the-Seeds fairs will take place; one on Saturday February 13th in Wageningen (NL) and the other on February … verder lezen

Pictures of the Saturday (Reclaim the Seeds 2015)

Pictures from the Saturday during Reclaim the Seeds weekend 2015 at the Kraaybeekerhof in Driebergen. With a lot of pictures of the many stalls on the seed fair. The pictures are taken … verder lezen

Pictures of the Sunday (Reclaim the Seeds 2015)

Pictures of the Sunday during the Reclaim the Seeds weekend 2015 in Driebergen. After a workshop given by Linder van den Herik about DIY seedsaving, people could visit some gardenprojects in the … verder lezen

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