A Note from the Food Autonomy Festival#2
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On May 26th, the 2nd edition of the Food Autonomy Festival took place. A special mention for all the participants: speakers, collectives, workshop facilitators, cooks, veg choppers, bar folk, seed-swappers, musicians, funds … verder lezen

SEEDmail #44 – Tasty, autonomous and fossil free
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A few more days until the second edition of the Food Autonomy Festival in Bajesdorp in Amsterdam! Autonomy or sovereignty, what do we need for our food? For sure a lot has … verder lezen

De zaden zijn binnen, laat de zomer maar beginnen
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In februari en maart 2018 waren er onder de noemer Reclaim the Seeds maar liefst drie zadenbeurzen. En daarnaast nog een van het Noordelijk Zadennetwerk die er eigenlijk ook bij hoort. Het … verder lezen

ASEED info night: new GMOs
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On Friday March 23rd, join us at NieuwLand in Amsterdam to discuss about Genetically Modified Organisms in agriculture.

Bike action to protect De Boterbloem
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[update: On March 7 an action took place to try to convince the local politicians. Three tractors and a group of Boterbloem supporters with pitchforks and other farm tools went to the … verder lezen

Seedmail #43 – Spring is in the air, but so is CO2
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The weather was pretty mild in January: bulbs were starting to sprout while birds were singing like it was already March. However, the freezing temperatures in the last few days reminded us … verder lezen

Good news for organic and biodiverse seeds
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[no English translation available yet] De Europese Raad en de Landbouwcommissie van het Europees Parlement hebben op 20 november jl. hun goedkeuring gegeven aan de nieuwe bioverordening voor de Europese Unie. Drie jaar … verder lezen

COP23, update 2: coalfish and daisy world
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On Monday Nov 6th, Prime Minister of Fiji Frank Bainimarama opened the COP23, stressing on the emergency of the situation “All over the world, vast numbers of people are suffering – bewildered … verder lezen

SEEDmail #42 – Bonn appétit
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The leaves are falling, there is going to be another climate summit and we are busy with the organisation of Reclaim the Seeds. De bladeren vallen, er komt weer een klimaattop en … verder lezen

SEEDmail #41 – Code Red for the summer, but don’t forget to smear the cream
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Code Red in the Amsterdam harbour. This time not because of the hot weather but because of the presence of a large coal terminal. Because of this Amsterdam is still contributing excessively … verder lezen

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