Update 15th Garden and Syria
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Since the Reclaim the Seeds festival last March (2017) ASEED is in good contact with The 15th Garden, a network for Food Sovereignty in Syria containing urban gardens in besieged cities and … verder lezen

A Note from the Food Autonomy Festival (FAF)
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On Saturday May 6, the sun decided to make an appearance for the Food Autonomy Festival. As well as being thankful for the good weather, we would also like to say a … verder lezen

The Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) | May 6th
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The Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) Amsterdam is about presenting and celebrating alternatives and resistance to the state and corporate-controlled industrial food system. Come join us for a day of learning practical skills … verder lezen

SEEDmail #40 – The verdict of the Monsanto Tribunal? We will celebrate this with a Food Autonomy Festival
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We have a lot to share about our activities of the past months. And we have some plans for the coming weeks. A good moment for a SEEDmail, ASEEDs newsletter that appears … verder lezen

How ‘open source’ seed producers are changing global food production
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Patenting plant material has been an ever increasing trend since the early 2000s. Today, many staple crops have been patented which concerns plant breeders, environmentalists, and food security experts that understand the … verder lezen

“They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were SEEDS”
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The 15th Garden, a cross-border movement for food sovereignty in Syria Report of two presentations about “The 15th Garden” by Ansar Hevi. This report combines the presentation and discussions during a workshop … verder lezen

Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) #1

The Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) #1 Amsterdam is about presenting and celebrating alternatives and resistance to the state and corporate-controlled industrial food system. Come join us for a day of learning practical … verder lezen

Presentation Syrian 15th Garden in Amsterdam
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The 15th Garden is a Syrian network of urban gardens that is important for the food production and seed saving in a besieged country and surrounding refugee camps. Date: Monday 6 March … verder lezen

The 15th Garden – Seeds for Syria
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Civil cooperative project ensuring post-war food sovereignty in Syria If peace was something you could eat, how would you describe it? “A poor man would call it bread, a rich man caviar. … verder lezen

It is time to stop patents on plants!
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With the recent notice of the European Commission we have the chance to do this now! In the past years an increasingly number of patents on plants has been granted. Luckily, this … verder lezen

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