Different fingers +different strategies; lots of successful blockades! a report from Ende Gelande

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

Successful blockades in the Rhineland; ASEED report from Ende Gelände, June 2019

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

Duizenden mensen in actie tegen bruinkool (Ende Gelände 2018)

In de tot nu toe grootste burgelijk ongehoorzame actie tegen de fossiele industrie in Europa zijn vanmorgen naar schatting tussen de 5.000 a 6.000 mensen vertrokken naar blokkadeacties tegen de bruinkoolmijnbouw in … verder lezen

From NL to DE: Take a ride with us to Ende Gelände!

This October 25th-29th, thousands of people will gather for the next Ende Gelände mass civil disobedience protest. We will be using our bodies and stand in the way of the gigantic coal … verder lezen

Solidarity with Hambach Forest! Stop Climate change!

From the threatened Lutkemeerpolder in Amsterdam we stand in solidarity with everyone fighting to protect the Hambach Forest, which is at this moment being destroyed by RWE and the German state. Hambach … verder lezen