From NL to DE: Take a ride with us to Ende Gelände!

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Code rood goldfinger

This October 25th-29th, thousands of people will gather for the next Ende Gelände mass civil disobedience protest. We will be using our bodies and stand in the way of the gigantic coal machinery that threatens Hambacher Forest. This post is to share information on the buses that will be organised and all the mobilisation events in the Netherlands.

Buses will be leaving Thursday evening the 25th of October and return Monday morning the 29th. The costs are 30 euro per person. One bus will go from Groningen, Nijmegen to Ende Gelände. The other one will depart from Amsterdam and go through Utrecht. We expect them to be full soon, so register as soon as possible at

Also, don’t forget there will be a mass-protest and a call out for civil disobedience on Saturday 6th of October. There is a bus from the Netherlands going organised by Greenpeace. See Busride to Hambi: Join the Protest!

2 Oct 20:00 Wageningen Info evening – Hambach Forest & Ende Gelände(Droevendaal, Common Barrack)

4 Oct 19:30 Amsterdam The Netherlands goes Ende Gelände INFO NIGHT (Fossil Free AUC)

7 Oct 17:00 Utrecht Code Rood debrief & Ende Gelände prebrief(Voorstraat 71, ACU)

9 Oct 20:00 Groningen Hambi & Ende Gelände + gas resistance info (Emmastraat 15, De Kapel/RKZ)

11 Oct 20:30 Nijmegen to Ende Gelaende info talk (Van Brouckhuysenstraat 46, De Klinker)

14 Oct 10:00-18:00 Actietraining in Rotterdam (sign up at


Are you interested in organizing your own info-event about Hambacher Forest & Ende Gelände for your own organisation or network of friends? We can help and come give a presentation. Send us an email at

For more information about Ende Gelände 2018:

For more information about the urgent situation in Hambacher Forest:


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