FAF#8 program

Finally, the Food Autonomy Festival #8 program is here! Bellow you can find all the information you need about the program and the full workshop descriptions by day. Friday program – Saturday … verder lezen

📢 Join the program of the FAF#8! 📢

Let us know if you are available and motivated to take part in this gathering! We are excited to announce the eighth edition of our biggest yearly event, the Food Autonomy Festival (FAF), … verder lezen

Food Autonomy Festival #8 (2024)

[klik hier om naar de Nederlandse vertaling te gaan] Food Autonomy Festival #8: Growing resilient roots in common ground. Let’s come together to build resilience in the food justice movement! The Food … verder lezen

Food Autonomy Festival #8

Food Autonomy Festival #8: Growing resilient roots in common ground.   Let’s come together to build resilience in the food justice movement!   The Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) is a three-day gathering … verder lezen

🔥 People’s Summit Against EGC 🔥

One more year, we’ll take part in the counter conference to the European Gas Conference (EGC) on Vienna! While the EGC will bring together big corporations and politicians to give continuity to … verder lezen

ASEED Workshop @2.Dh5 Festival

If We Don’t Talk About Food, it’s Not My Revolution! This workshop is about the intersections between neighborhood solidarity and alternatives to the industrial-capitalist food system. We will first have a short … verder lezen

CoSIYA – Intersectional Food Justice training in Amsterdam

From November 7th to 14th 2022, the project ‘Co-creating Socially Inclusive Youthwork with Agroecology’ (CoSIYA) brought together 28 youth workers from 9 agroecology, food and eco-social justice initiatives across Europe. During a … verder lezen

Food Autonomy Festival: Sowing Solidarity, Nurturing Resistance, Harvesting Autonomy

Now that the month of May has come, the Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) is getting closer. Currently, we are in the process of organizing the 6th edition of the festival. We look … verder lezen

Ecosocialist Encounters

ASEED attended the 5th edition of the Ecosocialist Encounters in Lisbon, January 2022. Here’s some food for thought!  

Rojava Everywhere Workshop hosted by the Barricade Collective

“A policy that promises salvation from the present crisis can only lead to a proper social system if it is ecological”. – Abdullah Öcalan The event On the 23rd of February 2020, … verder lezen

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