Milieudefensie Jong completed a successful action on Saturday 16 December 2023 together with allies XR Agriculture, ASEED and Greenpeace on the Stadhuisplein in Utrecht: De Grote Yara Shitshow. The aim of the action was to draw attention to fertilizer producer Yara, recognized as one of the most polluting Dutch companies by Milieudefensie. Yara does not adhere to the Paris Agreement and has no intention of changing that.
During the Great Yara Shit Show, Yara received several symbolic awards for the large-scale use of fossil energy, greenwashing practices and tax breaks.

Greenwashing and Tax Benefits
Yara was not only criticized for its CO2 emissions, but also for its greenwashing practices. The fertilizer producer spends dizzying amounts on lobbyists, launched their own campaign for “green fertilizer” and disseminates incorrect information. In addition, a lot of attention was paid to the tax advantage that Yara has. The company does not have to pay almost any tax for its energy consumption, while its natural gas consumption represents a large part of its CO2 emissions. Of course, you quickly become smelly rich.

Impact on Agriculture and Environment
The action also highlighted how Yara’s fertilizer threatens the soil, biodiversity, water quality and the viability of farms. The dependence on fertilizer has led to depletion and soil pollution, making farmers increasingly dependent on Yara’s products.
Thank you Milieudefensie Jong for inviting us!!!
Read the full press release from Milieudefensie Jong, here.