15 June: Strengthening Farmer-led Seed Systems

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ABS-boerengroep-2016Farmers, especially women, have been the custodians of the world’s biodiversity through saving, using, exchanging and selling seed and propagating material. The rights of farmers to do this are a core component of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, as well as their right to participate in decision making and in the sharing of benefits arising from the use of plant genetic resources.

However, only a small number of governments have established effective farmer-centred measures for the implementation of access and benefit sharing of genetic resources. Yet, there are various examples of successful farmer-led initiatives, some of which happen through a collaboration between researchers and farmers. What are the lessons of effective access and benefit sharing for family farmers?

In a panel discussion, some of the most innovative experiences will be presented and experts will share their perspectives. A special edition of Farming Matters magazine on this topic will be launched and made available to all participants. Access the magazine here.

19.00: Info and seeds market
19.30 – 21.30: Panel discussion
21.30 – 22.00: Drinks

Edith Lammerts van Bueren (Louis Bolk Instituut)
Niek Vos (Farmer breeder, tbc)
Ronnie Vernooy (Bioversity International)
Video message from Vanaja Ramprasad (Green Foundation, India)

Moderator: Robin Pistorius

For the latest version of the programme and the speaker list, please visit the facebook-page of the event.

– Free entrance
– Drinks and free snacks provided
– Doors open at 19h, with info and seeds market

Date: Wednesday, June 15

Location: Room C63, De Leeuwenborch, Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen

Organised by: ILEIA, Bioversity International, Boerengroep, Louis Bolk Instituut and ASEED.

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