Food Autonomy Festival #3 Evaluation Meeting

After about a month to collect thoughts and work on other projects ASEED would like to cordially invite all of the volunteers, participants, and other organizations that helped to transform the FAF … verder lezen

When Racism Rears its Ugly Head: ASEED’s Statement about FAF Theatrical Performance

On Saturday night, just like on Friday, several performances were on the schedule to relax and have fun after a long day, packed with activities and discussion. One of the performances was … verder lezen

FAF#3: sunny and busy

On Thursday May 30, about 50 people gathered in the Lutkemeer polder, in Amsterdam West, to occupy a terrain for the 3rd edition of the Food Autonomy Festival. Activists chose to set … verder lezen

Programme Food Autonomy Festival

Most preperations for the Food Autonomy Festival are ready. Just a few last things to do. We are looking forward to the weekend! Hopefully you as well! This is the schedule of … verder lezen

Free the Soil camp planned for September 19-25!

You read right, this weekend at the International plenary in Bremen we collectively decided on the dates for the Free the Soil camp and action: September 19-25! There were around 40 folks … verder lezen

Mobil kitchen “Le Sabot” cooks at FAF #3

We are happy to announce that “Le Sabot”, the activist mobile Kitchen, is gonna cook for guests, participants and volunteers on the Food Autonomy Festival from the 31st of May til 2nd … verder lezen

From seed patents in Ethiopia to farming in Amsterdam

We had a great time during the two Reclaim the Seeds events, the first in Amsterdam and the second in Wageningen the following weekend. We were busy with the info stand sharing … verder lezen

‘Fossil Free Agriculture’ ESC open position: Apply Now!

Do you have an affinity with activism, grass-roots organising, or campaigning on agriculture and food issues, as well as social justice? Are you concerned about climate change? Would you like to change … verder lezen

ASEED at Reclaims the Seeds Amsterdam

Come and join us for a weekend full of seed exchanges, political discussions, gardening workshops and farm tours at the Reclaim the Seeds event on the 23rd and 24th March at the … verder lezen

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