Geef Tegengas: Action Camp

No climate justice on occupied land! We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and support the student protests and their demands. Universities are not the only ones with ties to oppressive … verder lezen

Ecosocialist Encounters

ASEED attended the 5th edition of the Ecosocialist Encounters in Lisbon, January 2022. Here’s some food for thought!  

What to expect in a forest occupation?

Danni Blog Part 3: So far, this blog has tried to more or less objectively describe the place and its logistics. But how your experience is, what you spend your days doing, … verder lezen

What is the Danni?

Danni Blog part 2: The Danni is many things and definitely more than just a forest. A protest-camp, press area, the kitchen, support structures in surrounding cities and villages and more. Here’s … verder lezen

What’s happening in the Dannenröder forest?

Danni Blog Part 1: The Dannenröder Forst, or Danni is a forest in the center of Germany. It is also one of the key struggles of the climate justice movement in Germany … verder lezen

The climate uprising in Europe

During Spring 2020 many events, protests and climate camps were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which was and is all over the news. The pandemic is anything but over and we … verder lezen

MSc Thesis about the Lutkemeerpolder

One of the ASEED interns conducted an in-depth study on the history of the Lutkemeerpolder as a Master Thesis research for the programme of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University (Faculty of Geosciences). … verder lezen

Different fingers +different strategies; lots of successful blockades! a report from Ende Gelande

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

Free the Soil report #4: getting ready for action day!

Today is the last preparation day before the action. Just by taking a look around, you can see excitement and determination on people’s faces. The atmosphere is joyful, yet a bit nervous…

Successful blockades in the Rhineland; ASEED report from Ende Gelände, June 2019

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

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