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FFA events (2019-2020)

Find here an overview of the events ASEED is participating in and / or organising in 2019/20 under the Fossil Free Agriculture campaign.

ASEED’s involvement in these events varies from simply joining and supporting other organisations and their campaigns, to giving presentations, or being the organiser. It is possible to join us at any event you are interested in, no matter what your level of experience or knowledge is. We are glad to meet or welcome everyone who thinks that a fossil-fuel-dependent agriculture needs to stop!


Upcoming events:


18/01 Fossil Free Agriculture 2020 – Get involved!

Nieuwland, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93A, Amsterdam / 10:00 – 16:00 [FB event]

After looking back on the first year of the Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign ASEED is inviting you to join us for a meeting to look forward at the next year of the campaign. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the effects of a state & corporate controlled agriculture system on the climate, communities and biodiversity around the world, and to take action against this.

For this there will be a an open strategy meeting for 2020 with lunch. This meeting will be a full day gathering to discuss how we can practically organize our campaign this year in a way which promotes resilient activism! We will be forming working groups based on your interests and motivations.

Through this we want to work towards clear goals:

✿ Growing our knowledge, and the knowledge of those around us while exposing the Exxon’s and Shell’s of industrial agriculture.

✿ Taking direct action against corporations, like YARA, who uphold and benefit from the mechanisms of industrial agriculture.

✿ Celebrating and promoting resistance and lived alternatives to the current systems, such as agroforestry, permaculture community supported agriculture, and much more!

We encourage folks to join this meeting who can imagine to see themselves taking on roles, joining working groups, and initiating or coordinating actions or info events. If you are enthusiastic about the work of ASEED and aren’t sure how you could get involved, this meeting is for you!

Please send an email to us at ????@?????.??? to register so that we will know how many folks we should be preparing food for. If you have some questions or suggestions please feel free to ask.

Fossil free agriculture: https://aseed.net/ffa/
Safer space policy: https://aseed.net/about-aseed/aseed-safer-space-policy/
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/events/2525706161013547/


09/01 Voku & Talk on eco-feminism from the Abya Yala perspective

De Fabriek Volkskamer, Amsterdam / 18:30pm – 9.30 pm

A SEED welcomes you once again to the monthly inter-campaign Climate Justice Voku in De Fabriek Volkskamer. From 6.30-7.30pm Code Rood has an information table for anyone wishing to engage with their Shell Must Fall campaign.

Delicious solidarity meals will be served from 7 pm. Your generous contributions directly support grassroots gender empowerment initiative led by climate justice activists from the Global South.

At 8 pm before just deserts we will have a talk from a guest speaker on eco-feminsim from the Abya Yala perspective. Then space is open to critically reflect and debate around centrality of this perspective for climate and agriculture justice.


16/12 Reading group – Eco Feminism

Plantage Doklaan, Amsterdam / 19:30 – 21:30

How is the ecological crisis linked to patriarchy, colonization and oppression of women? How can we learn from the strategies of women, particularly those in rural and indigenous communities, who have been at the frontline of ecological struggles?

For this session, we will be discussing the role of gender and agro-ecology in the climate crisis. This follows from previous sessions on direct action and indigenous activism.

We will be reading Chapter 3 of Vandana Shiva’s Staying Alive which can be found at:
https://archive.org/stream/StayingAlive-English-VandanaShiva/Vandana-shiva-stayingAlive_djvu.txt In this book, Vanda Shiva introduces the main concept of “mal-development”

As the timeline for this session is quite tight, we will be reading the chapter out loud together, so you do not need to read it beforehand. Of course if you do read it beforehand, it’ll be even better.

Please email sammiengyanping@gmail.com if you are joining us! The reading group starts at 7.30pm. The room will be open from 7pm and there’ll be some tea and snacks. Bring some food to share if you’d like! This will be a cozy reading group.


12/12 Climate Justice Voku & Doc Debate on Gendered Agriculture

De Fabriek Volkskamer, Amsterdam / 7pm – 9.30 pm FB event

A SEED welcomes you once again to the monthly inter-campaign Climate Justice Voku in De Fabriek Volkskamer. From 6.30-7.30pm Code Rood has an information table for anyone wishing to engage with their Shell Must Fall campaign.

Delicious solidarity meals will be served from 7 pm. Your generous contributions directly support grassroots gender empowerment initiative led by climate justice activists from the Global South.

At 8 pm before just deserts we will screen a sequence of short documentaries relating to our new bi-monthly theme: Gender and Agriculture. Then space is open to critically reflect and debate around centrality of gender for climate and agriculture justice.

Some food for thought:
In the global South women are responsible for 60 to 80% of agricultural production and the main custodians of knowledge. At the same time most women (80 to 90%) are structurally denied land ownership.

On a local-scale in Amsterdam, the majority of community food gardeners and farmers leading food system change identify as women and are denied opportunities for long-term land security and municipal support by urban planners and developers who are mostly men.


09/12 Wasteless Culture Monday – Documentary & discussion

Plantage Doklaan, Amsterdam / 20:00 – 21:15 [FB event]

We start at 20:00 by watching the first half of the multiple award winning documentary, Seed: The Untold Story. Then at 20:30 we enter into reflective and focused discussion on industrial agriculture, genetics and what inspiring alternatives exist to counter the privatisation of life and our ability to adapt to rapid climate change.

With alarming corporate controls over our food systems and life threatening reductions in agrobiodiversity it is pertinent that we reconnect with seeds and strive for seed sovereignty.
Aseed warmly invites you to deepen your awareness on the state of the seeds that feed us today and the different of ways humans choose to relate and live with seeds.


Past events:

20/11 Benefit dinner & Documentary screening for RICO

Nieuwland, Amsterdam / 18:00 – 22:00 [FB event]

During this event we will screen a documentary about resistance in Guatemala, after enjoying a vegan dinner and donation.

All donations will go towards the RICO Collective and their current project to help establish an indigenous-led school in Guatemala to give locals access to education about permaculture and traditional seed saving.

Dinner will be served between 18:00-19:00, movie screened 19:00-20:45, and discussion and bar until 22, more or less.

Looking forward to sharing this evening with you all!


27/11 Reading group – Indigenous Resistance

Plantage Doklaan, Amsterdam / 19:30 – 21:30 [FB event]

The ASEED Reading Group is gonna have a second session. This time the theme will be indigenous resistance.

Since recently there has been a lot of climate justice direct actions for example Free the Soil, Behoud lutkemeer, Extinction rebellion etc, the  next two months the theme will be Direct Action. We would like to foster discussions about theories and practices related to direct action.

Reading groups will take place every last Wednesday of the month at the ASEED office (PLantage Doklan 8-12). The reading group starts at 19.30. Before the reading group we have a delicious meal at 19.00 provided by Taste Before You Waste.  This month it’s on the 27th of November.

If you want to participate please send an email to berend@aseed.net. (limited amount of people can participate the readig group) Please also confirm if you want to join for dinner.

We will  read parts of the following books:

—-Dina Gilio-Whitaker – As Long as Grass Grows
chapter 1: Environmental Justice Theory and Its Limitations for
Indigenous Peoples (page 18-29)

—-Nick Estes – Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance

Prologue + Siege (page 6-35)

You will receive the texts by email when you signed up.
Hope to see you there!!


16/11 INFO talk + Benefit dinnner RICO collective at TBYW Utrecht

ACU, Voorstraat 71, 3512 AK Utrecht / 18:00

Next Saturday 16th, at the ACU (Utrecht) will be an Info talk and benfit dinnner for the collective RICO e.v. (Red de Iniciativas comunitariasi). Info Talk is at 18.00, dinner is at 19.00 as usual.

RICO is a network of communities based in Latin America and
Germany that acts as a platform for project development and the intercultural exchange of knowledge and practices, within the framework of climate justice. The network encourages local initiatives that promote the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of communities through food and energy sovereignty.


13 – 15/11 RICO x Rietveld: Connecting Global North & South

Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Roekestraat 96, Amsterdam

There will be three sessions of collective elaboration and reflection, delving in to issues of climate and social (in)justice with representatives from the RICO collective. For those not acquainted with the Academy, all locations are at the university premises. You can always ask the reception if you get lost!

Wednesday 13th – The Gym, RV building
17:30: Screening of first part: When The Mountains Tremble (1983)
19:00: Break
19:15: Discussion

Thursday 14th – The Gym, RV building
17:30: Screening of second part: Granito (2011)
19:10: Break
19:25: Discussion

Friday 15th – Auditorium (Theorie trap), FedLev
14:00: Screening of third part: 500 Years (2017)
15:40: Break
16:00: Discussion

Check the event for more info [link]


12/11 Open Campaign Meeting: Fossil Free Agriculture

Plantage Doklaan Cafe, Amsterdam at 19:00

The time has come for another Open Campaign Meeting, on Tuesday November 12th at 19:00 in the Plantage Dokcafe. After a busy, and we’d say, productive year it seems like it’s time again to discuss how we want to keep growing this campaign! Our over-arching goal has been to highlight more the link between Industrial Agriculture and Climate Chaos, and now we want to collectively decide how we see ourselves doing that in the coming year.

Check the event for more info [link]


8-10/11 Climate Justice Action (CJA) meeting

CJA meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia [link] It’s that time of year again where after the summer camps/actions it’s time to link up and get together for some more fun and games, CJA style! After Basel, Switzerland in March now it’s time for a new city/venue in Bratislava, Slovakia. Some ASEED comrades will attend this meeting!

Expect (the unexpected) and of course some plenary sessions, smaller group sessions and a great chance to meet others and network, learn from each other, share our experiences and prepare for the months ahead.
Send an email to eduard@aseed.net  if you want/need more information


2/11 Anarchist bookfair 

Plantage Doklaan, Amsterdam / 10:00-23:00 [FB event] Again this year ASEED will be participating at the Anarchist Book Fair. So come by to collect some of our material, have a chat or maybe eat a delicious waffle with us. We would be delighted to have some more volunteers, if that sounds like something for you please reach out to us.
Email me at sarah@aseed.net


2/11 Open Source Event 2019

Loc Source Library, Tilburg 12:00am-4:00pm [link] The fourth Open Source Event is happening once more at the Loc Source Library, in Tilburg. It is an interesting day of workshops, debates and sharing skills around the open source topic. The event tocuh these topics from different prespectives;from design to fashion passing from music and open source society initiatives.
ASEED will be hosting a discussion on Seeds as an Open Source and how to design a decentralize city-seed bank.


30/10 Reading group – Non-violence & diversity of tactics

Plantage Doklaan, Amsterdam / 19:00
The Fossil Free Agriculture reading group is starting up again.  For the next two months the theme will be Direct Action.  We would like to foster discussions about theories and practices related to direct action. Reading groups will take place every last Wednesday of the month. For readings and topics check the website or facebook. Got input?

Email us at info@aseed.net


21/10 From Seed To Seed Documentary at Taste Before You Waste

Plantage Doklaan Cafe, Amsterdam / 18:30-21:30 [FB event]

During the Wasteless Culture Mondays of Taste Before You Waste, the documentary “From Seed to Seed” will be screened and ASEED will be facilitating the discussion happening after.


17/10 Voku at de Fabriek Volkskamer: benefit for We Squash!

Volkskammer, De Fabriek, Amsterdam / 18:00 [FB event] Doors open at 18:00 and delicious veggie dinner cooked by ASEED served at 19:00.
After the dinner, everyone is invited for an open discussion about “Climate justice rhetorics and a diversity of tactics”. This is inspired by seeing the diversification of rhetorics & tactics used in recent actions. So please come, share and listen. Want to help cook?

Email us at info@aseed.net


12/10  Big Demonstration for the Lutkemeerpolder

The Lutkemeerpolder is an ancient 42-hectare area of agricultural land near Osdorp on the outskirts of Amsterdam the city council wants to destroy in favour of a distributioncentre.
Saturday 12 October from 2-4 p.m. is the last chance to make it clear that citizens of Amsterdam will not accept that the only remaining organic farmland in Amsterdam is buried under construction sand.

So put on your boots, take a spade and a ball of garlic: together we will fill the polder with plants again. Help us mobilize, tell about it and take people with you!
After the planting and shovel action there is time for music, a drink and some fun.


10/08  Open Campaign Meeting Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign

Plantage Doklaan Cafe, Amsterdam
Join us for our next Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign meeting.

The meeting will begin at 19:00 with a debrief about Free the Soil.
Then we’ll open the discussion of where we head next and which themes we want to focus on in the upcoming months.

Join us for a creative brainstorming process, get inspired and meet new people!

This meeting will take place in the ASEED office at the Plantage Doklaan.

See you on Tuesday!


Summer actions

The climate crisis is worsening. Politics & economy drive us into the abyss. But our obedience becomes disobedient, Europe-wide! Join the upcoming climate camps, there are lots to choose from.

17/07 – 21/07 2nd Polish Climate Camp against brown coal

17/07 – 21/07 Action Camp against fossil gas, Portugal

26/07 – 31/07 Power Beyond Borders

[Close to London] Reclaim the Power is taking direct action this summer against the new gas fired power stations fuelling the climate crisis, and training up to take action on the UK’s Hostile Environment for migrants. The mass action camp will equip you to get involved in a way that works for you. The camp will be at a secret location in the South East of England, within reach of London. We will let you know exactly where nearer the time. Entry is on donation, plus donations to cover food.

03/08 – 12/08 Climate Camp Leipziger Land, Germany

12/08 – 18/08 Climate Camp RadiAction, France

15/08 – 27/08 Climate Camp Rhineland, Germany

04/09 – 08/09 Climate Camp Venice

04/09 – 08/09 Brussels Climate Justice Camp

12/09 – 15/09 Blockade of the International Motor Show (IAA)

19/09 – 25/09 Free the Soil mass action & camp

[Brunsbüttel, Germany] Free the Soil is a campaign to expose the devastating practices and impacts of industrial agriculture and the major role this industry plays in the escalating climate crisis. Free the Soil is providing information, calls to action and organizes a mass action and camp in September 2019 to denounce industrial agriculture and the synthetic fertilizer industry. We encourage you and your group to take part in this struggle! Join the next organizers meeting!

27/09 Earth Strike – global strike against climate crisis