Looking back on the Direct Action theme

Since September 2019 we have started with the ASEED bi-monthly themes. September, October and November have been the months of the theme Direct Action (we did three instead of two because we … verder lezen

Upcoming bi-monthly themes 2019/2020

The Fossil Free Agricultural (FFA) campaign has been developed by ASEED in collaboration with other collectives since the beginning of 2018. In the first year we chose three large local and international projects: The Food Autonomy Festival, collaboration … verder lezen

ASEED Podcast 1.0: “Violence vs. Non-violence through Frantz Fanon and Albert Camus”

“When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe”, Frantz Fanon. We are super excited to announce the first episode of … verder lezen

SEEDMail #49 Direct action – What is it and how can it be effective?

After a busy September and start of October, we’ve slowed down this month with our direct actions and taken some time to reflect on the topic. We’ve had stands and workshops at … verder lezen

Experiences & insights from a study session on youth activism in Europe

Between the 20th and 28th of October, two ASEED’ers travelled to Strasbourg, France, to take part in a study session on youth activism. Direct action has been prominent in the work of … verder lezen

Reading group report #1 – Non-violence & violence

On the 30th of October, ASEED organised a reading group on the topic of direct action: non-violence and diversity of tactics. The evening was very inspiring and filled with new insights. Thank … verder lezen

SEEDMail #48 Resistance is Fertile – Lutkemeer polder eviction, Free the soil and more

The summer has been filled with waves of direct action, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Under the umbrella campaign of Fossil Free Agriculture (FFA) we have targeted pressing, local and international struggles. Starting on … verder lezen

A chance encounter with a dairy farmer’s husband on a train – are we not all fighting the same fight?

The past months have been a wave of direct actions. Through this, our minds have been jumbled with thoughts of what is effective and what is not, and what message we should … verder lezen

Learning and reflections from Non-Violent Communication training

On Wednesday 2nd October members of our ASEED team and the Cityplot collective participated in a Non-Violent Communication workshop in the beautiful venue of Stadsborderij Osdorp. The last month has been intense … verder lezen

FFA info & benefit dinner in Amsterdam

On Thursday 3 October, the Fossil Free Agriculture folks will be cooking and sharing a delicious 3-course vegan meal at the Fabriek Volkskamer, in Amsterdam. Come join us!

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