Save De Boterbloem and keep the agriculture in Amsterdam

[This article about a threatened organic farm in Amsterdam only exists in Dutch] Aan de westelijke rand van Amsterdam ligt nog één akkerbouwbedrijf: De Boterbloem. Al generaties lang wordt hier door de … verder lezen

ASEED is from now on active on Diaspora as well

It would be strange to have your preparation meeting for the next climate actions at McDonald’s. And we also don’t cc. our contact lists and plans to the secret service. We criticise … verder lezen

Shall the burning of 24,000 pigs change anything?

[only available in Dutch] Inmiddels hebben de meeste media er wel over bericht: donderdagavond 27 juli brandde de mega-varkensstal van Adrianus Straathof bij Erichem af, met daarin naar schatting zo’n 24.000 varkens. … verder lezen

SEEDmail #41 – Code Red for the summer, but don’t forget to smear the cream

Code Red in the Amsterdam harbour. This time not because of the hot weather but because of the presence of a large coal terminal. Because of this Amsterdam is still contributing excessively … verder lezen

Cycle Ende Gelände 2017

From August 16 till 22 activists will be cycling from London via Hoek van Holland to the climate camp in the Rhineland to take international action against climate injustice! This August, people … verder lezen

Update 15th Garden and Syria

Since the Reclaim the Seeds festival last March (2017) ASEED is in good contact with The 15th Garden, a network for Food Sovereignty in Syria containing urban gardens in besieged cities and … verder lezen

Monsanto’s impact on basic human rights

After several months of work following the hearings of witnesses and experts (The Hague, Oct. 2016), the five judges of the Monsanto Tribunal have delivered their conclusions in a 60-pages legal advisory … verder lezen

The European Patent Office forbids patents on plants (but not really)

The European Patent Office had a meeting on June 29 2017 about patenting plants and animals. This is part of the process that is already going on for almost a year and … verder lezen

‘Lobby Planet’ – new brochure made by CEO

Corporate Europe Observatory, an organisation which keeps an eye on the corporate lobby in Brussels, published a new brochure: ‘Lobby Planet’. It features: 135 big business lobby actors representing different industry interests; … verder lezen

Code Rood at the coal harbour in Amsterdam

Have a look at the picture gallery of the large Code Rood climate action at the coal harbour in Amsterdam. On Saturday June 24 there has been ‘Code Rood‘ in the Amsterdam … verder lezen

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