Reading group report #1 – Non-violence & violence

On the 30th of October, ASEED organised a reading group on the topic of direct action: non-violence and diversity of tactics. The evening was very inspiring and filled with new insights. Thank … verder lezen

Free the Soil report #6: Second day of the blockade! Time to look at the media.

The blockade of the fertilizer company Yara that had started on Monday, continued during the night. In the evening some activists, the newly formed ‘yellow finger’, even managed to block the third … verder lezen

Free the Soil report #5 Yara blocked

On September 23, 2019, 500 activists in Brunsbüttel, Northern Germany, have blocked the production site of YARA, the world’s largest producer of nitrogen fertilizers. In groups of several hundred people, they occupy … verder lezen

Free the Soil report #4: getting ready for action day!

Today is the last preparation day before the action. Just by taking a look around, you can see excitement and determination on people’s faces. The atmosphere is joyful, yet a bit nervous…

Free the Soil report #3: How about the low lands?

On the third day the camp is buzzing from action preparations, but in between we have been learning and exchanging about the local area and its soil. And because of similarities in … verder lezen

Free the Soil reports #2 Connecting the Global South & the Global North

Today, our first full day in the camp was as well the first day of the International Climate Strike. Demonstrations and other actions which all over the world demand for climate justice … verder lezen

Free the Soil reports #1 arrival

After months of planning and preparing it has finally happened! The Free the Soil camp is here! And, with the help of the Theaterstraat bus collective, we have arrived. Some hours in … verder lezen

Successful blockades in the Rhineland; ASEED report from Ende Gelände, June 2019

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

Different fingers +different strategies; lots of successful blockades! a report from Ende Gelande

Last weekend around 6,000 activists gathered in Viersen for another Action Camp organized by Ende Gelande in order to “SHUT SHIT DOWN” and celebrate mass civil disobedience actions aiming to disrupt the … verder lezen

FAF#3: sunny and busy

On Thursday May 30, about 50 people gathered in the Lutkemeer polder, in Amsterdam West, to occupy a terrain for the 3rd edition of the Food Autonomy Festival. Activists chose to set … verder lezen

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