📢  ASEED is seeking volunteers for this year’s Food Autonomy Festival #8! 📢

[klik hier om naar de Nederlandse vertaling te gaan] Would you like to participate in this year’s edition of the FAF? Are you motivated to take an active part in organization of … verder lezen

Yara Fertilizes Chaos

Have you ever heard that fertilizers are essential to feed an ever-growing global population? Has anyone told you that it is a miracle that there are fertilizers to grow food and feed people … verder lezen

The fertilizer industry: a fossil fuel industry as any other

Fertilizer giants such as Yara have been coined the ‘Exxons and Shells of industrial agriculture’. Almost all industrial nitrogen fertilizers are currently manufactured from fossil fuels, mainly gas or, in some countries, coal … verder lezen

Yara: master of the agro-industry through synthetic fertilizers

Pesticides are made to kill pests, fertilizers are made to feed the plants. They accelerate processes that exist naturally to bring to plants the nutrients and minerals they need. Let’s introduce you … verder lezen

Support ‘Om Sleiman’ agroecological farm in Palestine!

While the Israeli army is murdering and starving thousands of Palestinians to death in Gaza, the situation in the West Bank has also been getting worse and worse since October 2023. Freedom … verder lezen

Extended Deadline: ESC positions available for the Fossil Free Agriculture campaign – Apply Now!

  Do you have an affinity with activism, grass-roots organising, or campaigning on agriculture and food issues, as well as social justice? Are you concerned about climate change? Would you like to … verder lezen

Les Soulevements de la Terre tour

Last month, we had the pleasure to host Les Soulevements de la Terre and Bassines non Merci in their tour across Central Europe. They were able to share their struggle, history, and … verder lezen

The connection between the Hydrogen energy hype, fertilizers and the fossil fuel industry

Why the synthetic fertilizer industry loves fossil fuels:Synthetic fertilizers producers rely on fossil fuels as their main input. Through multiple industrial processes fossil gas is converted to the fertilizer Ammonia (NH₃). As … verder lezen

Red Ons Groen – Save the Lutkemeerpolder!

Save our Green! The initiative Behoud Lutkemeer and Voedselpark Amsterdam have launched the campaign Red ons Groen. Together, we want to prevent that Proptimize BV, will build a 55,000 m2 (that is … verder lezen

Colonial Occupation and Food Sovereignty in Palestine

Food is the first frontier! What is Food Sovereignty? The right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their … verder lezen

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