New bi-monthly theme: Degrowth

ASEED is continuing the bi-monthly themes. We are now saying goodbye to two months of focus on ’Alternatives to industrial agriculture’ and hello to the theme of “Degrowth”.  Given the current global … verder lezen

Coronavirus in Times of Climate Change

  A Reflection: Causes of zoonotic diseases  Covid-19 belongs to the category of zoonotic diseases like  ebola, SARS, MERS and Zika. The increasing spread and persistence of these diseases over the past … verder lezen

Rojava Everywhere Workshop hosted by the Barricade Collective

“A policy that promises salvation from the present crisis can only lead to a proper social system if it is ecological”. – Abdullah Öcalan The event On the 23rd of February 2020, … verder lezen

Reading Group Report # 4 – Gender & Agriculture

Reading group // 29.01.2020 // Gender & Agriculture    Women who dig – Chapter Uganda Enraged: Women and Nature Donna Andrews, Kiah Smith and M. Alejandra Morena  Feminist agroecology for food sovereignty … verder lezen

ASEED Podcast 2.0: “Gender & Agriculture” with Ann and Annie

Here is our second episode of our ASEED podcast, related to our bi-monthly theme “Gender & Agriculture”. In the last two months we set up a reading group, a documentary night and a talk … verder lezen

ASEED at the “Gender Empowerment in Rural Areas” training in Catalonia

Last December, some people from the ASEED team went to Catalonia for a youth exchange programme called GENERA (Gender Empowerment in Rural Areas). We learned a lot during the training and because … verder lezen

Reading group report #3 – Women in Nature of Staying Alive 

Reading group // 17.12.2019 // Gender & Agriculture  Vandana Shiva – Chapter 3 Women in Nature of Staying Alive  „With the violation of nature is linked the violation and marginalization of women, … verder lezen

Reading group report #2 – Indigenous Resistance

“Indigenous resistance is not a one-time event. It continually asks: What proliferates in the absence of empire? Thus, it defines freedom not as the absence of settler colonialism, but as the amplified … verder lezen

New bi-monthly theme: Gender & Agriculture

We are excited to announce that we are moving from the first bi-monthly theme Direct Action to the new theme, Gender and Agriculture, within the Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign. The global food system … verder lezen

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