Reclaim the Seeds coming months on several locations

Reclaim the Seeds is proud to announce the following seed exchanges!

Taking action to change food systems – training weekend

Mid-October, while the sun was still shining, ASEED joined the training weekend “Taking action to change food systems” organised by the “Peasant Action Brigades” citizens’ network and FIAN Belgium.

Duizenden mensen in actie tegen bruinkool (Ende Gelände 2018)

In de tot nu toe grootste burgelijk ongehoorzame actie tegen de fossiele industrie in Europa zijn vanmorgen naar schatting tussen de 5.000 a 6.000 mensen vertrokken naar blokkadeacties tegen de bruinkoolmijnbouw in … verder lezen

ASEED workshop at the LCOY

The LCOY, the Local Conference of Youth in Amsterdam Last Saturday, ASEED was present at the LCOY, an inspiring three-day conference full of workshops, speakers and interactive sessions about climate change. Titles … verder lezen

The world against fracking

On Saturday, the 13th of October, people from all over the world joined forces for the “Global Gas Down, Frack Down Day of Action” to protest against gas extraction and fracking. ASEED … verder lezen

“Fossil Free Agriculture” ESC open position: apply now!

Do you have an affinity with activism and grass roots organising or campaigning on agriculture and food issues? Are you concerned about climate change? We are looking for one person to join … verder lezen

Seedmail #46: Campaign meeting, Free the Soil & Ende Gelände

We kicked off our Fossil Free Agriculture campaign successfully and have already started with some great planning for future actions, events and more. Recently we have been involved in an action camp … verder lezen

Join our Open Campaign Meeting!

ASEED Europe is inviting all interested people to join our monthly open meeting for building a Fossil Free Agriculture Campaign, on Tuesday October 9th in Amsterdam. This will be the fourth meeting … verder lezen

From NL to DE: Take a ride with us to Ende Gelände!

This October 25th-29th, thousands of people will gather for the next Ende Gelände mass civil disobedience protest. We will be using our bodies and stand in the way of the gigantic coal … verder lezen

Protest at townhall and presentation BioPolder Lutkemeer

[text only available in Dutch] De strijd voor het behoud van de Lutkemeerpolder gaat door. We laten dit vruchtbare akkerbouwgebied ten westen van Amsterdam niet zomaar onder het zand verdwijnen! Komende woensdag … verder lezen

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