What do we want?

  Today the Annual General Meeting of Yara is taking place in Norway. While they discuss how to grow their criminal business with their investors, we say loud and clear: We need … verder lezen

Support ‘Om Sleiman’ agroecological farm in Palestine!

While the Israeli army is murdering and starving thousands of Palestinians to death in Gaza, the situation in the West Bank has also been getting worse and worse since October 2023. Freedom … verder lezen

Les Soulevements de la Terre tour

Last month, we had the pleasure to host Les Soulevements de la Terre and Bassines non Merci in their tour across Central Europe. They were able to share their struggle, history, and … verder lezen

The connection between the Hydrogen energy hype, fertilizers and the fossil fuel industry

Why the synthetic fertilizer industry loves fossil fuels:Synthetic fertilizers producers rely on fossil fuels as their main input. Through multiple industrial processes fossil gas is converted to the fertilizer Ammonia (NH₃). As … verder lezen

Debunking Yara’s greenwashing

Clean ammonia is a dirty lie. The promise of Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) keeps the fossil industry running and provides cover for continued oil and gas expansion, while perpetuating ocean exploitation. … verder lezen

The YARA “shit show”

Milieudefensie Jong completed a successful action on Saturday 16 December 2023 together with allies XR Agriculture, ASEED and Greenpeace on the Stadhuisplein in Utrecht: De Grote Yara Shitshow. The aim of the … verder lezen

Winter break donations call-out

Unfortunately, the revolution is not for free… With your support from last year, we were able to fight many new battles and build stronger fossil-free agriculture collaborations across the movement. THANK YOU! … verder lezen

BREAKING the EU Hydrogen Week

Activists interrupted the European Hydrogen Week in Brussels. Yara International is a neocolonial enterprise that generates food insecurity, dependence on farmers, & exacerbates climate change. Click here to watch the video. The … verder lezen

Statement on Amsterdam’s Climate March 2023

On Saturday November 12 2023, ASEED marched in the Decolonial Anti-Racist Block in the Climate March in Amsterdam under this year’s name “March for Climate and Justice”. Yet, Saturday’s events remind us … verder lezen

Denounce corporate greenwashing & co-optation – Nourish food systems for peoples & planet

On the 6th and 7th of September, the agri-food industry is repeating last year’s so-called “Regenerative Agriculture & Food Systems Summit“. At a critical time of climate chaos, environmental degradation and malnutrition … verder lezen

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